
Topic: Customer Behavior

Target Market For Biscuits

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Who is the ideal target market for biscuits - target group in the sense of buyers as well users?
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Your question is a lot like "What color is blue?" It's much too general to answer. To understand the target market, you need to describe MUCH more than to just say biscuits. What kind of biscuits? What geographical area? Why would someone buy biscuits who wouldn't be the user?

    If you'd like help, you'll have to give a lot more information.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by Alireza Mojahedi on Member
    At the first answer to questions like :
    Why people need to biscuits?
    When and where they use it? (5W's and 1H)
    After that you will have an idea about your market.
    For example Childs, Employees, etc. will become your target market.

  • Posted by Alireza Mojahedi on Member
    And in adition for compeleting the answer of Wayde's, after defining your Target Market you can think about 4P's (Product, Place, Promotion, Price) of your biscuits.
    Whan you define that where is your target, you can define which type and color of packaging and price and other parameters.
  • Posted on Author
    So sorry for the biscuits i mean packaged biscuits from a brand like Britannia in India.There are of course buyers who dont use products and buy them for somebody else. like a kid doesnt buy everything for himself, his mother would. in the same way, who should be the target buyers and target consumers of biscuits.
    I want to know the basis of segmentation and the target for a mid-priced biscuits portfolio.
    Hope I have been able to clarify my questn
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    First, think about the occasion for which the biscuits have been designed by the company. Are they sweet biscuits that might go with a cup of tea, or savoury biscuits that might go with cold drinks or with fruit or cheese?

    Then think about the people who might eat these biscuits on these occasions. Start to build a composite picture of who they are, how they shop and buy, where they work, why they might choose one biscuit over another. You are starting to build a picture of your target segment.

    Now think about people who would never consume the product. Remove them form you target segment picture.

    Who's left? How can you typify them in a description? Are there several different groups you could form, looking at the picture? These are your segments.

    Hope that helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hey! The product classification of biscuits can be :
    Glucose, Marie , Cream, Crackers, Milk & Others. The market can be classified as Anytime Snacks, With Tea, Energy Source, Treat(guests) & Self Indulgence. These are the different target markets that you can target for your brand of biscuits and your marketing strategy should be based on this kind of segmentation.
    I hope i am going in the right direction, If i am then please tell me i can elaborate further, else sorry. :)
    U can contact me at

  • Posted on Author
    yeah that's right..thanks for the answers!!
    @ seeking.dreams & ASVP..ur answers were really helpful

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