
Topic: Advertising/PR

Need Help!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hi, im new to these forums.
i just got a job interview for an advertising executive job however the job sub title says "media booking and traffic" and to be quite honest i am not sure what that is.
so would somone help me and explain what that is and give me any tips for my interview?
the company is
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  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Dear Sarah (?)

    Why don’t you phone them and ask?

    Their website doesn’t give much away as they do not use the term “Media Booking” once, anywhere according to their own search engine (Try it!) and “traffic” reveals just the usual – web traffic, improvement of footfall and that’s about it. MEDIA Booking is usually a term for getting the best prices from various media, swinging the best deals by juggling your client portfolio and negotiating the best terms.

    The problem with terms like this is that they mean what they mean to the person who coined them, so there’s little point in asking for expert opinion when all you will get is our own usage from our own experience.

    Also which office are you looking at? I’m guessing that it’s one of the three in NZ but they’ve got 7 in Australia, which are the only one’s advertising at the moment! (I shouldn’t, I know, but with 7,500 Ad Agencies on my CRM system, it was just too tempting)

    I wouldn’t worry too much about making yourself look unknowlegeable or foolish – marketing professionals admire the ability to go fact finding and to ask deep questions as well as answer them. Also, the roles in NZ and AU both use the term “Executive” to indicate an entry level position where training is offered to those who are bright enough to break into the world of advertising.

    If you were to tell me to which office you were applying I could answer your question definitively on about 3 minutes – but that’s probably going too far!!

    Also, please stop using text speak or a 13 year-old's email spelling. Most would be advertising executives know where the shift key is located and know how to use spell-check.

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
    CRM Providers to Professionals and Idiots Alike

    PS Do you like the new Signature file – someone hacked into my signature page and changed it. I so liked it, I left it alone!
  • Posted by sl/fc on Accepted
    Media booking - taking calls and inquiries from the advertising people and replying after coordinating with the media planner. yes, the gate keeper.

    traffic - coordinating schedules of everything from printing jobs to coordinating the events, etc. even calling limo companies to book their services.

    sorry to put it bluntly, but that is what it is. entry level. nonetheless, it is a great place to start where you can see how jobs are handled and how the companies/agency is run.

    so, dive in and learn as much as you can then move on.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Sounds like you are going to be purchasing media and managing advertising accounts.

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