
Topic: Advertising/PR

Looking 4 Stylish Venue For Product Launch London

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work for an Italian Media company based in Milan, one of our customers that operates in IT wants to organise a product launch for 400 dealers in London. In a stylish, innovative venue...something original, exclusive for a worldfamous brand...Any suggestions...?
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  • Posted by ilan on Member
    I am involved in these kind of operations, and I was wondering if the dealers are already in London? or are they coming to London from all over the world?
    If that's the case, I would recommend another city -Lisbon!
    It is by far less expensive than London, and has to offer a lot more for the money.
    As far as "Stylish" I have a long list of amazing venues in Lisbon, where some of the world's biggest dignitaries have introduced products and services.
    If you have an interest get in touch with me.
  • Posted by Bullseye Chic on Accepted
    Classic hotels like the Savoy, the Connaught and the Dorchester.

    The beautiful Tate Modern museum located in a restored power substation. There are hundreds of museums in London like the British National Gallery and the Victoria and Albert museum.

    They are terrific for pre-party cocktails and strolling and then have tons of room for events.

    Conde Nast Traveler Magazine is online and probably has tons of suggestions.

    Good luck,

    Anne Kenney
    Bullseye Marketing
  • Posted by michael on Member
    The Royal Holloway at Univ of London

    HMS Belfast Imperial War museum

    Epson racecourse

    Mermaid Conference Center.

    All these can handle 400 people.

    Let me know if you need contact info.

  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    A football, rugby or cricket venue? eg Lords, the Oval, Twickenham etc.


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