
Topic: Website Critique

Please, Help Me Evaluate The Charity Website

Posted by NatashaChernavska on 500 Points
Hello, my dear friends,

I have a little unusual request.

I have created a charity website. It has a very simple structure, but built using Web2 and very clean CSS.

It's hard for me to evaluate how good it is, besides, I have never created such projects (for the charity).

Please, help me find out if...
- information is clear and sufficient
- the site is easy to navigate and looks pleasant
- the site looks appropriate for its topic.

I know that the English needs to be polished, and I am working on it.

Any other suggestions or critique on the project, layout, texts, anything are very welcome!

Here is the link:
[inactive link removed]

Thank you in advance!

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Your site is clean and easy to use. There was only one major bug I found... I'm using IE6 and the words in the front page side navigation were cut off on the left side.

    My overall feedback is this. If this is indeed a charity, I doubt that anyone will contribute. It looks like a scam. Are the pictures actually of Tanya? They look like a paid-off model.

    What your site really needs is legitimacy. You need to proove that this is actually a true story and not a hoax. To do this try linking to news articles from known papers, or other websites/blogs (well established) who mention the story. If you do not have a newspaper covering the story, write a press release, and get it covered.
  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Author
    She looks like a model, she's very beautiful. It hurts to hear that it looks like a scam... Very sad. And how can I prove that it's a real story? We didn't start a campaign, and, frankly, there is no time for campaign. She is dying. Besides, who will be interested in the article about a one Russian CEO of Max Mara who's dying in Russia?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    The image of her doesn't match the message that she's dying.

    I'm assuming that you're simply trying to create a way for people that know her (or about her) to donate. If so, what you've done will function.
  • Posted on Member
    I am surprised that Russian newpapers aren't looking for news! The fact that she is head of a company that I am sure employes people, keeping them off the streets and fed seems to have some news value.....
  • Posted on Member

    A few crits:

    1. Move all navigation-links to the left pane - this is generalyy accepted and wont make the website as "long" as it currently is - thus you wont have to keep on scrolling down forever. This will prevent the site from looking crowded.

    2. Tanya indeed looks like a model for a beauty product - it does not create the correct feeling with the viewer.

    3. Move all the information to seperate to seperate pages - it looks more professional and easier on the eyes.

    Good luck.

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