
Topic: Website Critique

New Corporate Blog Post- More Points

Posted by Anonymous on 300 Points
Happy Friday all! - this is a repeat question, but worth more points (I acidentally sumbitted the last post at just 25 pts) Please post your responses here so I can award you more points.

We need your help!! Do you have a few minutes to check out our corporate blog?

We are designing a corporate blog to open discussion about our products and how people use them, employees thoughts, latest news, etc. We are choosing a selection of employees to blog, but have not chosen them all yet.

Please give us your advice. What are your first impressions? Is the blog purpose clear? Do you know/recognize the company? Please keep in mind it's a work in progress :) We'd love your feedback!

Here's the address:

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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Like I was saying in the last post. I am not really sure what your blog is about. In the tagline perhaps write a better description that gets to the heart of what the blog is about.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I think it would be better to break up your content and create more pages. Have a long page where users scroll down on a lengthy page will loose readers. Users like to discover whats on the next page and tool around in a website. I would say break it up a bit to captivate user curiosity.
  • Posted on Author
    Good feedback David, thanks. Perhaps we can truncate the articles, so people can click to see more. Can you comment on any other features (navigation, layout, etc)? Does the header make sense and communicate what this blog is about?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    First impression: I have no clue what it's about at all. The banner graphics aren't immediately obvious (it took me a little bit to realize that there's an image of a tractor coming out of a shed).

    Also, the banner is too big - occupying too much real estate and not enough value.

    The signup for email is buried in the left column, and the button to subscribe isn't legible for me (running Firefox).
  • Posted on Member
    first of all plz refine ur description of question it is little bit hard to understand or first impression is last impression so if u use blog for marketing purpose it is good but usually it used for consumer satisfaction for old and existing products but use a blog for launching a new product is not v effective
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Kathleen, Rich, Jay and Omama,
    This is great feedback. We have taken time to revisit the purpose of the Lifetime blog, and what needs to be better communicated. Thanks to you things are already looking better!

    In response to Omama's post, the Lifetime Products brand has been around for about 20 years, and it's sold by many US big box retailers. This blog's purpose is to open an interesting, and fun discussion between our employees and consumers, centered around how people use products from Lifetime in their lives-- parties, cleaning projects, camping, etc. And generate useful content to share with all.

    From all the feedback, I can see the blog's purpose certainly needs to be more clear and organized. Thanks everyone for posting your thoughts!! Your opinions, advice, and impressions are immensely helpful, we're now on our way to a better blog :)

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