
Topic: Advertising/PR

Effective Below-the-line Advertising

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am trying to find material on effective BTL advertising but so far have not received any information. My problem is to find out when and for what is below-the-line advertising more effective in the FMCG industry e.g. whether in association with above-the-line advertising or at the product launch stage or at product maturity or for brand switching or with free sampling or in relation to sales promotion or what ???? I would appreciate any discussion on this issue.

Hasan Saleem of Nishapur
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi Hasan Saleem aka revitale

    just giving you a wild idea. Have you heard of Bunting or Streamers???this is 6 or 8 brand printed papers of 6 inchX 4 inch pasted on a thread at one end of paper and the rest hangs. i hope you are getting a picture of what i am decribing.
    i dont know how big is your town Nishapur but you can place this Buntings/Streamers in all the main thoroughfares with the center at the traffic roundabout and extending them to all directions. This will create a conical circle of streamers where your brand will be communicated and it definitely will attract attention of people from all walks of life. YOu can also do the same in front of major shopping malls and high selling outlets.

    Another thing you can have is Dummy Pack Dangler to be placed at outlets.

    Other BTL ideas can be to put a folded flyer (in a unique shape) inside the fold of newspapers, (so that the consumers open it to read the message) and circulate thru newspaper hawkers. You can have a small size product sample in that flyer for the consumer trial. Make sure you have a toll free number or some contact way to get the feedback or order/supply

    If you dont understand then ask you advertising agency in this regard or mail me. i will try to help you.

    good luck!


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