
Topic: Advertising/PR

Healthcare Pr Hot Topics

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am currently a Mktg & Comm Director for a non profit trade association. My experience has been in organizations that provide services for people with disabilities and I am very knowledgeable about issues regarding this population, but have had the opportunity to pursue a position with a hospital in my community.

I have a final panel interview for a position with a healthcare organization coming up and I was wondering if anyone had any interesting and relevant topics that I could research to discuss with the panel. Any background on positives and challenges of healthcare PR would be helpful as well! Thanks in advance!
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    What country are you working in? I know in the United States of America the lack of health care is the hottest topic around. It dominates the news and political campaigns. It seems like that would be a topic of interest.
  • Posted by Jessica_Castro on Member
    Would you need to talk about health care specifically or health care public relations?
  • Posted on Author
    I work in the U.S. The position is with a healthcare organization that operates a hospital and extended care facility in a small community. I was looking for some topics and challenges that a PR person for an organization like this may have to deal with.
  • Posted by Jessica_Castro on Accepted
    I would think that a challenge for you would be showing the more caring and compassionate side of the insurance industry and displaying the good things the company does.

    You could talk about how you feel the industry should do more and take a more pro-active stance to counteract all the bad publicity you get.
  • Posted on Member
    Hi, we are a public relations firm that caters to healthcare and health-technology clients and have a vast network of experts and academics who deal with such issues on a day-to-day basis. Depending on when your interview is I can put you in touch with one of them.
  • Posted on Member
    Of course, this depends on the type of health care organization with which you will be interviewing and the nature of your job.

    Here are two topics that you may want to do some research on: preventative care and chronic disease management. These are important topics as providers look to attract patients and insurers look to reduce cost.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I just left a position as a Senior PR & Marketing Consultant with a University Hospital. At our hospital, the big priority is Service Excellence. We had the Baptist Leadership Institute in multiple times to help with this initiative. There is a lot of information out there on Service Excellence, so dig in. This would be relevant no matter what kind of facility you are interviewing with. Best of luck. Let us know how it goes.

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