
Topic: Website Critique

Please Give Feedback On My Site ~ Thanks!

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

Please give feedback on my site ~ thanks!

I have JUST started this business, and after registering my domain name, I
worked up this site using a template . I'd like something
more professional, but this is what I have for now.

What do you think?

anas sanqar

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Because you used flash animation for the entire site, all the text in your site is invisible to the search engines. This is a big problem, because someone searching on your keywords won't find you.

    I'm not a big fan of sites that startup with the sound on.

    The graphic design pane: "Logo's company" is a typo (did you mean "Company Logos"?). The "Read More..." text in the graphic design pane bring up an empty scrolling window for me (running on Firefox).
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Yeah, if you want those organic hits flowing into your site off of raw searches it is best to steer away from a totally Flashed out site. You can use Flash for images and banners, but text is best suited to be formatted in classic html. Once you resolve that I would suggest showing examples of your graphic design work and show off your clients. I think the clock right now is competing with your brand.
  • Posted on Member
    Okay. There are many grammatical/style issues within your site.

    For example:
    1. The space between "ad" and "." (same with "Advertising" and ".") draws attention AWAY from what you offer.
    2. There are a few typos floating "Logo's company"...logo is not owning the company, is it?
    3. In the color boxes, why does Print Ad. have a "." and Home Page and Graphic Design do not?
    4. On your comments page..."Please take a few.....form with questions" is a sentence, it should have a "."

    Basically what I'm pointing out is that you are offering the very services that you seem to have flubbed (or maybe hurried) on your very own site. Your site should be the best thing EVER. Otherwise why would your client be interested if you don't have precision on your own site? Maybe it's the one thing you shouldn't do cheaply.

    Best of luck.
  • Posted on Member
    First, any advice to redo your site and dump all that Flash work isn't very realistic now that you have invested the time. There are other ways to beef up your SEO, but to be realistic, your business is in a heavily competitive marketplace for search terms. It is more likely that people are going to find your site because you tell them about it, or your other customers tell them.

    The site design is clean, simple and looks very professional. You have provided users with a simple way to turn off the sound; however, it could be clearer that clicking on the sound bars would turn off the music. Instead of "SOUND" it could say "SOUND ON/OFF" or something like that.

    I do think your font size is a little small for those users who may have older eyes, and often more money due to their demographic! It is especially important to avoid aliased fonts (graphical fonts) when you can use real text (like you do on the left half your Print Ad page.

    The main thing that bothered me was the very large focus on the Customer Service text and phone image on all sections. Not only does it overpower what the section is trying to focus on, it also does not have a link to anywhere. So why is it there? You are an Ad Agency, not a computer support site. I think "Customer Service" when I want to fix something. If the goal of your site is to convert visitors to advertising customers, give them a big "contact us" button and call it a day.

    Nice work all in all. All the best to you!
  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Member

    Your website is not only containing zero text to be indexed by search engines, it also has neither meta tags, nor any other indexable content or code. With all that being said, SEO neither has been conducted nor even possible to be conducted.

    Cool features of flash, complete disaster for making your site visible, searchable and findable.

    And, yes, why in the world a designer (or design studio) would not make heir own design just to show off their talent?

    Natasha Chernyavskaya
  • Posted on Member
    I would really like to see a larger font. Please recognize that not all people who are going to be looking at utilizing your services will have perfect eyesight.

    Some of us have been looking at computers for a very long time and as a result have less than perfect eyes. I find it annoying that instead of giving me a larger font to read, I have to read everything in a tiny box when the majority of my computer screen is blank or has the graphics, especially when there doesn't seem to be a reason for it.

    Where are the paragraphs in the Print section? Hard to tell and all that text in one spot without some white space is also difficult to read.


  • Posted on Accepted
    The first observation I made was with the phone hanging upside down- when I saw this it made me think you don't really want anyone to contact you. It gave me the notion that Customer Service is non-existent.

    Secondly, What is the purpose of the clock?

    I like the idea of the separate categories but:

    Why are the photos moving?
    Spell out print advertising (not print ad.)
    The Homepapge is one box- I've never seen this before

    And lastly- increase the size of the font.

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