
Topic: Student Questions

How Can Cellular Service Be Used In The Marketing Of Insurance Products

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
we are an insurance company..current trying to use the cellular tech..i.e SMS facikities inour marketing endevours.Could u all please suggest the various mktg initiatives which we can undertake ..presently we thought to start reminders on the cell
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi rimli,

    hmm that is a good question, have you thought about having a competitions wear the person gets a discount for every 10 people they send your message too.

    or you could send them a ad using the movie function, ( this is only an idea i dont know if you can actually do it yet)

    you could have a question that they answer every week to win prizes, eg how many cars are broken in to everyday in such and such a city?

    i am not really sure but i will post some better ideas later if i can think of any.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Sorry, I'm not up to date on the technology - are you asking our opinion about sending unsolicited text messages to people on their cell phones, so that you can generate leads to sell insurance? Would this be for existing customers, or to prospects? And, which country would you be operating in, and marketing to?

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