
Topic: Advertising/PR

Good Catchy Headline For Remodeler

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am looking for any possible ideas for a good solid, and memorable headline for a remodeling flier. I remodel kitchens and baths and my current headline is ok and talks about the MAGIC that we provide when we transform your old kitchen or bath.
We tout Our Impeccable Skills and Service and have been providing that Touch of Magic to all our remodeling projects but this isn't necessarily coming across professionally.

Please keep in mind that I am trying to covey that our clients will enjoy a great remodeling experience while mixing in a little personality to help the piece stand out.

Would appreciate any ideas or thoughts!

thanks much!
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    We Like to re-model so much we tried it with this flyer...
  • Posted on Member
    Reduce, Reuse, Remodel :)

    Reduce your clutter, Reuse your space, Remodel .....

    You can play on the RE of things and maybe set the flier like a memo e.g. RE: Your Old Kitchen cupboards and go along from there using a who bunch of 'RE' words
  • Posted by shannon on Accepted
    Creative - I agree that "magic" sounds too mystical and does not come across as being the expert in the field which is important in your area of work.

    However, taking this into consideration, many marketers play off of a fun vibe..why not try this taking into consideration the last member's response. It might be kind of fun to draft a letter to the homeowner from their kitchen cabinets. Have the cabinets tell the homeowner how tired and beat up they are from the years of usage and how they need to be treated to a face lift. Appeal to the fun, but "touchy-feely" side of advertising and you will find people wanting to read your ads. Don't make them too wordy though which turns people off. Have your cabinets recommend their good friend (you) for the job.

    It's just an idea. Something similar worked well and increased sales in my last job. It works with huge companies (think geico and superbowl commercials) - it may work for you.

    Also, if you move fast, you can always work in the economic stimulus plan - suggesting they use their return to reinvest in their house which they depend on so greatly.

    Levon - that was hilarious!

    Just some thoughts. Good luck.

  • Posted on Member
    when we get done you will never know we were here.
    we give you a new house and you dont have to move .
    do you believe in magic ya so do we ......
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks all for the great ideas!

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