
Topic: Website Critique

Best Websites You've Seen

Posted by tuffy1127 on 250 Points
I am working on a web site for my Positive Motivation speaking... Positively Female
I have found a couple sites I like but want something very flashy, feminine, upbeat, colorful, and of course motivational.
If you have seen some really awesome websites, please share them with me. I am looking for something personal without a corporate feel.
Your Most Positive Female
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  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    Check out the Webby Awards for a variety of really cool websites, generally recognized as being the best:
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The best websites are the ones that both reflect your values and successfully attract traffic (and ideally sales/conversions).

    Top traffic doesn't arrive because of the look of the site, it comes because of the content of the site. Therefore, first focus on the value of the browsing experience. Who should find your site? Why would they want to hire you? What problems would they have? What would they need to feel comfortable hiring you? How can you show them what you can do for them without them contacting you?

    Once you get your copy, then focus on your image. The images/colors/layout should reflect your target market. Corporate sites tend to look very different from micro-business'. I wouldn't go with "flashy" or "over the top" unless your target market responds well to it.

    Given you're starting up, don't spend a lot of $ on a flashy website until you've clearly done your marketing strategy homework.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Here is a site that I did a few weeks back that kind of reflects your positively Feminine vibe:

  • Posted on Accepted
    I have to agree with Jay. On the web content is king.

    Most people go who online are task-oriented. Searching and comparing motivational speakers and deciding who to hire is an example of one of those tasks. And seeing your site is about promoting you, people aren't going to go to your site to be entertained, they want to get information on you (the task).

    When you think about it those terms, it's the information your provide on your site that will get you business, not how flashy the site is. Also consider your competition, people will be comparing your against several other motivational speakers, so again, provide the content that will sway them in your favour.

    This is not to say your site shouldn't be well designed. It should be inspiring and motivational, and reflect your "brand" and what you represent as a speaker. Most importantly it should be clean, easy to read and intuitive to your users.

    So don't get too hung up on the flash. Good content will win you more business in the end. And if your target audience responds to over-the-top flash, make the site flashy, but still focus on the content.

    Best of luck!
  • Posted by tuffy1127 on Author
    Thank you all for your input. I accepted the responses that made me realize to focus on contest first and then design. Guess I had the cart before the horse!

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