
Topic: Customer Behavior

Need Some Unexplored Mktg Topics

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I want to write a research article in the area of consumer behaviour. Can you suggest me some of the unexplored topics in this area?
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  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted
    If we take the psychologist's approach to consumer behaviour in making (purchase) decisions, i.e. the 5-stage decision-making process:
    1. Recognition of problem
    2. Search for information
    3. Evaluation of alternatives
    4. Purchase
    5. Post-purchase evaluation

    Wouldn't it be interesting to do research into how the internet has affected consumer's approach to stages 2 and 3 - particularly for durable products?
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Check out . Good things.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Dear Richavasavi

    All the unexplored topics that have been suggested are fabulous.

    my self not an expert, let me give you a scenario wide prevailing across asia. (i believe its still there in Europe and Americas)

    You always see a beautiful women in Beauty Soap/Bathing Soap/ Body Wash advertisement (i.e. LUX, CMAMAY etc). well aparently it seems that these products are targeted to women who want to be beautiful (as beautiful women is worshipped across the world).

    But when men have to buy a soap they have to use these brands.

    Why do Men buy them????? What is the logic behind this purchase behaviour???? usually men tend to avoid buying brands/products that are GIRLY. (added thought: Why there is no Beauty Soap for men??)

    hope this will give you some food for thought.


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