
Topic: Advertising/PR

Denver Broncos Ticket Giveaway

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I am the Marketing Director for a used car dealership in Colorado and purchased 4 club level seats to the Broncos - Raiders game. I have got a bunch of radio spots for 13 weeks leading up to the game and 2 weeks after the game. I am trying to come up with a fun way to give the tickets away, while bringing traffic to our lot/website. This forum is full of creative people and I would love any suggestions you can give. thanks
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Brian,

    First off...I am a Denver expatriate and will do whatever it takes to get those tickets! LOL

    How about running a "Most Devoted Fan" contest? Have people dress up or whatever and video themselves (Or take a picture) then upload that to your website(or youtube) or bring it by the dealership to enter the contest. Then you would get traffic 2 ways...people wanting to win...and people wanting to see how idiotic other people will act to win tickets!

    Have a big cookout toward the end of the contest to give away the tickets and show all the entries on a big screen tv or projector. Make it a fun event. Maybe even purchase a couple of more things to give away at the big event like jerseys or signed footballs to get a lot of people to come.

    Focus on making this as fun as possible and the traffic will follow. Maybe even try partnering with a local news outlet to get additional exposure for both of you.

    Hope this helps,


    (I'll send my mailing address for you to send the tickets to, asap...LOL)
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    It is simple: The tickets can only be won if the person visits the site and opts-in to your list. I would also have them fill out a short survey for marketing research purposes. Remember though, do not ever sell that list! The privacy of that list is fully your responsibility
  • Posted on Author
    These are both great ideas. I love the best fan pic/video
  • Posted on Accepted
    I definitely think you need to gain as much earned media coverage as you can, so asking people to be their most loyal bronco-self is probably the best way. It helps build team and community spirit and supports your marketing efforts in a way that's fun.

    You can do photos of these fans inside, outside and on top of your vehicles and even advert up a few of your vehicles to promote the event.

    Drive the decorated vehicles around town, to pre-season Bronco games, hold tailgating parties in them (to of course, show the vehicle's versatility and storage capacity) and hold photo opportunities where fans can have their picture taken with the decorated vehicle and possibly win a year of free gasoline, gas cards, use of a vehicle for 6 months or a year, or some other bonus along with the tickets (if budgets will allow). Make whatever you do an event and the media will hook onto it.

    Remember that your brand should be front and center in what you do.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    With each used car purchased during the 13 weeks, you get a chance to win one of the seats. If you also want to make it "no purchase necessary", then also give 1 of the 4 seats to a random entrant (people that stop by the dealership and fill in an entry form).

    Why not have a tailgate party in the dealership lot as well? Show games on a big screen and serve hot dogs/burgers to all Bronco fans.
  • Posted on Author
    Great ideas. However, all car dealerships must be closed on Sundays. I could do a Monday night game. Thanks
  • Posted on Author
    I think I am going to give away 2 tickets to the most devoted fan. They will be entered to the contest after they bring me thier best Bronco picture. They can also submit to my website. I will tailgate DEN at NE on Monday night 10/20 and give away tickets on Tursday 11/6. I will try to get all the pics on a slideshow at the dealership.

    I think I am going to do some type of Envelope Sale for the other 2 tickets. For each person that purchases a vehicle, they get to pick an envelope (along these lines) in an effort to open the correct envelope with the tickets in it. If noone picks the correct envelope, I will give the tickets to our top salesman that month.

    My only problem is naming the Envelope Sale...Any fun ideas?
  • Posted by aresnik7 on Accepted
    Very creative idea with the envelope sale. I think that you might just want to call it exactly that. "The Envelope Sale" maybe run a few radio commercials about it and if people do not completely understand it, have it on your website so that people can go there and find out what it is and check out a few of your cars. Good luck!!

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