
Topic: Website Critique

Online Brand Communities

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

Some fellow marketing colleagues and I have built a website ( to draw in marketing business resources from around the globe, create a platform to share marketing best practice and help brand managers, directors learn from each other. We have tried to base the overriding idea on establishing communities of best practice to drive innovation in relatively cluttered marketing environments. We have created the overall structure around each of the key marketing processes to facilitate easy navigation and understanding....

Very interested to get some feedback, comment....
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  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Visually your site looks great.

    I found that when the site first loads the login section is expanded and then it collapses. It would be great if the site loaded with it collapsed as it is fairly distracting to have it collapse after load. I viewed this with IE7.

    I am still a little confused about what I would get out of joining the site. Perhaps there is too much sector specific lingo being used. I think there needs to be a page that would spell out what I would gain by registering on the site.

    In some of the company profiles the Google maps are not correct as the company is non-US and the marker is in the US.

  • Posted by Kevin McIntosh on Member
    Yeah, you may need to begin the site at a no cost for prem membership and wait until there's more going on to try and charge for prem membership
  • Posted on Accepted
    No exploding login here (Firefox 2.0), but the type at the top (in white and green starting with "Brandsintrade" is hard to read). The letters are too close together (ease up on the kerning).

    The text itself is well, gobbledygook (sorry to sound harsh). It doesn't really tell me what I'm getting out of joining. Do I get recognition? The opportunity to showcase my skills and knowledge? Earn points? Earn money? Get new contacts? "Connecting businesses with overlapping value sets"makes me think of a Venn Diagram (?!?!) rather than a cure for a business problem or a useful tool to promote my business.

    I looked at the demo and it's more of a process explanation than a demonstration of benefits or solutions. What do I get my joining your site? Why would I want to register?

  • Posted on Member
    I too was confused. I would like an image of human beings - which is usually effective.

    It is really blah right now and needs some work.

    Change the language -- make some simple taglines. Simplify.
    ~ Nancy

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