
Topic: Advertising/PR

Just How Effective Are Viral Video Endorsements?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hey everyone, forum "noob" here.

My outfit's considering securing an endorsement for a viral video campaign, but I've been wondering how much they do for a brand, particularly if the endorser is not necessarily associated with the endorsee.

One recent example is gotvmail's pretty hilarious campaign "Gary Busey on Business" which has the washed-up celeb making all kinds of of-the-cuff business "suggestions", like selling white hair dye to black bears to take advantage of polar bears' no-hunting status.

Does viral marketing like this benefit the brand more or the endorser?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You're trying to make an association between the endorser and your company in the mind of your prospects.

    If there isn't a link between the endorser your demographic, don't bother. If there is a link, then will the endorsement build trust/interest in your company? Are the people viewing the viral video likely to remember both the endorser and your company? In most cases, people remember the funny ad, but can't remember the company (which means that the company's money was wasted).

    Getting a video (or any message) to go viral AND benefit your company is a lot of skill and luck. Viral means something amazing worth repeating. Benefit is measured in terms of ROI.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Depends on how effective the video is. If the video achieves true viral status and there is a nice fit by the endorsing brand then it might go a long way towards name recognition.
  • Posted by flanger on Accepted
    Depends on marketers's skills :) I'd advice you one of the greatest internet and online marketing agencies in NY -

    Check their latest post on blog - great example of video-part.

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