
Topic: Website Critique

Looking To Re-design My Blog

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I currently run a blog ( that has basically been all about raising my son and my life in general, but have decided to refocus the site to be based around (new tagline here) "Raising healthy kids in a toxic world".

I want to include information on eco-friendly ways of living and eating and preparing nourishing foods. I'll be featuring different products and recipes along with pictures and stories from my personal life. I want my design to be fresh and new. I seem to be drawn to images like this ( but have been told it doesn't fit my blog.

From a marketing perspective, I want my site to be attractive and fit well with my content. Any ideas on how I can appeal to a large audience?
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    There was a film that came out in 1995 called "SAFE" which really was the first piece of media that I ever saw that brought to life the whole "environmental illness" movement. I think you should watch the film and see how the writers and creators of the film portrayed and marketed the illness. From that you can draw parallels of how to approach the theme of your blog.
  • Posted on Accepted
    For some reason the blog is not "grabbing me". Why don't you visit the Mom blog She does great job with color and graphics. She uses Wordpress as a blog software.

    Your concept is great. But make the blog more jazzy. You only have a few seconds to grab the web reader's attention.

    Use Bolding and play with font a little to break up text too. Hope this helps.
    ~ Nancy
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    First, you can't appeal to a large audience, nor do you really want to. You want to appeal to people who are interested in raising healthy kids. If you're drawn to the image, then others like you may also like the image. If you have enough readers - ask them to vote!

    Attractive generally means uncluttered - easy to navigate, larger type sizes, and plenty of white space. Color/imagery is important, but people can ignore bad images to get to juicy content. Ideally, your images should reflect the quality/message of your site.

    I'd start by changing from a 3 column theme to a 2 column. It's easier to scan. I'd encourage you to not show your image/bio in the top/left - it's too precious screen real estate to focus on you. You want people to care about your message first, then to be curious about you second.
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    I do not see why that image would not work. The biggest problem with that image is that it is vertical and most likely wouldn't work well in a banner. If you went with something like that you would need to incoraporate some of the colors into your site

    Are you hoping to make anything from this site or is it just for fun? If you want some revenue you might to check into becoming an affiliate with amazon. This would allow you to link to some books and products you might review. This would allow you to make a little money from purchases people make from clicking on your links. I would be careful to not make this my main purpose, but it definitely works for some.

    I like the photos your already incorporate in your blog. They are of good quality and help convey your message.

    If you are going to include recipes, reviews and other things you may want to consideer changing from a blog to a complete content management system like Joomla ( This will allow you to organize information more as you can have sections for each type of entry. It also allows you to do a standard blog as well. Just something to think about. Some webhosts even make it very easy to install some of these Content Management Systems (I am currently using an d it is pretty easy to get started).

    Hope this helps,
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your critique and ideas. My main goal is to 'jazz' it it a bit and make it more appealing to the eye and with thought to the bio at the top, I think I'll be making a horizontal nav bar for that info! Thanks again!

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