
Topic: Advertising/PR

Promoting Cycles Through

Posted by Anonymous on 90 Points

A small time cycle company with limited marketing budget is trying to engage its customers with "a car free day" concept and is aiming at promoting cycles as an alternative.

Please suggest how the idea can be executed and if any events can be built around it.

The biggest challenge we face is in India its realtively difficult to get our TG away from their cars and to make them use cycles as an alternate mode of transportation.

Also if you have any suggestion on how to create buzz around the brand please do let me know.

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Are your "cycles" bicycles or motorcycles? What's special about your cycles? Who are they targeted for in India?
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Create a map of safe routes on cycle around your city and offer it as an awareness building tool.
  • Posted on Member
    I think young people are most likely to take this concept and run with it, so I would do major marketing on Facebook and MySpace, as well as possibly some Twitter. Flyers on high school and college campuses might return some results as well. A press release focusing on the 'going green' angle should also generate some buzz.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all your advice. And Jay the product is a bicycle targetted at kids between the age of 11 - 20. The company make all kinds of cycles (including mountain bikes).

    Please let me know if you have any suggestions

  • Posted by aresnik7 on Member

    I do not know about high schools in India, but over here we have National Honors Societies, and Student Councils. Both of these student organizations require some time spent with community service. Maybe if you have an event then you get in contact with the area high school student organizations and tell them if they are willing to help out for community service, then the company will hold a bike safety sesion at the local grade/high school. Hope this helps!!


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