
Topic: Advertising/PR

Ad Serving Technology

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Need some suggestions. We are doing research for several clients and looking at multiple ad serving technology companies such as does.

Anyone have any other companies that offer similar services that you like or recommend?

we are looking at 5 to get a nice range of opportunities.

all input is appreciated!

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  • Posted by dmoak on Member
    I think you may have confused terminology. As far as I know, AdBrite does not provide ad serving technology, they are an advertising network.

    Are you looking for technology to allow you to control your ad serving on websites that you buy, or looking for an advertising network to place a single advertising buy reaching potentially hundreds of websites?
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
  • Posted by dmoak on Accepted
    I don't have a lot of experience with smaller self-service networks like those, but two "premium" networks that have worked well across multiple industries include:

    Undertone Networks:
    Specific Media:

    Generally, these require a $15-20k monthly minimum investment though.

    BlogAds ( is a small self-service ad network that owns ad space on blogs.

    You can also look at Placement Targeting within Google AdWords ( Their network is getting better and better and you can buy either CPM or CPC ads.

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