
Topic: Website Critique

Subjects For A Marketing Blog

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
Hello everyone,

Please suggest me some subjects for my marketing blog
I am looking for subjects coming from real marketing problems, subjects you would like to read or never find them.
Other suggestions are also appreciated. (For example, how is my English?)

Thank you very much.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The marketing field is vast. As in all marketing, focusing on a narrowly defined niche will be both easier and result in better results for you. Here are a list of marketing specialties (from

    * advertising and branding
    * communications
    * database marketing
    * professional selling
    * direct marketing
    * event organization
    * experiential marketing
    * field marketing
    * global marketing
    * international marketing
    * internet marketing
    * industrial marketing
    * market research
    * marketing strategy
    * marketing plan
    * proximity marketing
    * public relations
    * retailing
    * search engine marketing
    * strategic management

    As for what people are looking for, use Google Trends or look at Google's AdWords Keyword Tool to find out what people are looking for. If you need further ideas, go to your local book stand to see what new books are out and magazine headlines are focusing on.

    If you're looking for ideas for questions, take a look at:
  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    It seems like doing marketing using all of the Social Networking sites (Facebook, My Space, Twitter, etc) is kind of a popular topic as of late. People are still really trying to figure out how to do marketing in a very uncontrolled environment.

    By the way, your link above goes to a plain white page with nothing on it. Perhaps that is just a temporary thing, but I imagine people will look at it as it was posted.

  • Posted by jstiles on Accepted
    real world case studies whether horror stories or success stories provide examples that help people relate. Perhaps you could share you own or elicit them from others to share with your readers.

    Try topics like:
    * pros and cons of newsletters in mktg
    * search engine optimization tips and trends
    * How to stand out from the crowd in homogenous product industries

    Best of luck!
  • Posted on Member
    Don't just pick a topic because its popular, pick a topic you are passionate about. This will create a more readable blog than waxing on about anything. And typically what you're passionate about you are also the most knowledgeable in.

    Blogs written with passion are engaging, interesting and fun to read. Find something you really care about it, it will come through in your writing. Your career goal is to be a generalist, your blog should be more specialized.

    I'm a marketing generalist too, but I have a few subjects I feel really passionate about - get me going on one of those topics and there is no shutting me up. At the same time I can talk about the finer points of media buying. Zzzzz...

  • Posted by babbsela on Accepted
    Perhaps you could do glossary of marketing terms, or a series on current industry buzzwords: what they are, what they mean, and how to implement the principles, strategies or tactics they represent.

    For example:
    Web 2.0
    Social Networking
    Target audience
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    See, for starters!

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