
Topic: Advertising/PR

Languages, Translation And Advertising - Seeking A Contributor / Article

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Often English is used abroad rather like wallpaper in advertising (and also for other purposes) - that is to say it doesn't matter what the words are or if they mean anything... but the fact is that being in English somehow imparts a certain 'prestige' to whatever is being promoted.

We publish a bi-monthly journal - The Linguist - and are looking for a contributor to write an article (some 2000 words) on this subject.

The focus doesn't necessarily have to be English giving prestige to the items promoted... The article can focus on problems caused by language, translation (or lack of) and advertising... However, the main focus is on language use rather than advertising (being a linguist journal).

Anybody interested, please contact me for more details

Suggestions on similar,alternative topics are welcome.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I would love to give it a shot! Sounds like a subject that could go on and on and on...

    You can contact me by clicking on my name.

    Look forward to hearing from you!


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