
Topic: Website Critique

How Do You Like Our (future) Frontpage

Posted by Anonymous on 290 Points
How do you like our webpage at

a. Does our site connect with the audience?
b. Did you get what we do in a few seconds?
c. Does our site interest you to check out more - assuming you are one of our prospect.
d. Please suggest how would you reword our value proposition if you did not like it. We are particularly interested in your comments on our "Exchange introductions in Masked Identity".

Please point out if there was something obvious we have left out or a key 'conversion' tactic to help convert the guests to members.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Now I understand what you are doing...
    It connects....

    I am not certain that I or others will follow the masked identity part. I would suggest you put up a button that says "the masked identity concept"
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    I was fascinated by this exercise in caution and nit picking! (Myself included) when I fortuitously read a brief article this morning by Seth Godin.

    His point doesn’t answer your question, but it does explain quite concisely why a few of us here, often fail to answer the questions, but rather pose something that should have been asked in the first case. Is this alternative actually of more use to you than our pages of painstaking analysis? Have a look:

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    The value of an introduction is based on the NOT making it anonymous. It's based on the person connecting knowing both parties and being a great matchmaker. By making it anonymous, it doesn't instill me with trust as either the person looking for an introduction or for a person seeking one.
  • Posted on Accepted
    You need to remove the text images, and make that actual text. Search engines don't read text on an image or graphic. AT the very minimum, you need ALT tags so that search engines can identify what the images are for.

    Your main phone number has separation periods while your 800 number has no separation. Just a little inconsistency.

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