
Topic: Advertising/PR

Social Marketing: Cosmetics Or Changing Way Business Is Done?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Anyone in the marketing or advertising profession has been increasingly exposed to terms such as Corporate Social Responsability, Social Marketing, or Sustainable Business. Though not a new idea, it seems that the 21st century has raised the public and business community interest. What are the causes? What are the motivations? Is this movement destined to become interwoven in business practices or just another passing marketing fad?
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Dear twhyman

    i agree with both JBtron and Michele regarding companies engage in Corporate Social activities. What i have seen in Bangladesh is that companies/corporate houses that are engaged in seemingly controversial business in Bangladesh or anywhere in the world are more inclined to engage in such acitivities. Examples are the National Tree Plantation Drive campaign and Youth Smoking Prevention Campaign by British American TObacco Bangladesh. Being in a controversial industry as tobacco/cigarette selling which definitely is a major causeof cancer and resulting death, thru' these campaigns BATB is trying to project an image that it accepts its harmful nature of business to society and tries to compensate in some way.

    another example is the Nationwide Polio Immunizatin Campaign by Unocal Bangladesh. As it is in Oil/Gas exploration business in areas where their activities cause displacement of indeginous/native people, they do these activites to project an image of Community-Oriented company.

    i hope this will help!


  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    The big oil and gas companies spend more money advertising their Corporate Responsibility as "good custodians of the earth" than they do actually protecting the environment. Think of BP, for example, which completely rebranded itself, flowery green logo and all, to convince the public that it's taking a stand Beyond Petroleum.

    The joke? Big Polluter is more like it!!

    - Shelley

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