
Topic: Website Critique

Please Critique My Website.

Posted by Anonymous on 40 Points
Can you critique my website? I added a few of your suggestions and headings and changed the look alittle.

We don't have online ordering capacity yet, but most of our customers call us or fax in their orders. I will be sending our postcards that will include the website address. Thank you for your help.
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  • Posted on Author
    Sorry!! I forgot the website address.

    Thank you kindly.
  • Posted by babbsela on Accepted
    You've put a lot of work into this. Why did you choose the colors you did? Are they your company's colors? If not, I strongly suggest changing them to colors that will enhance the look of the food.

    The geometrics you're using are interesting, but they don't really do anything to enhance the site. I'd get rid of them.

    Bigger is not better. Everything on your home page, except the 4 navigation links on the left side, is way too big. The header is too big on all the pages. I have a very high screen resolution, and I still have to scroll forever to get through the home page. Try looking at it with an 800x600 resolution to see what a great number of your customers will see on their screen.

    Keep one or two featured items on your home page, and move the rest to your menu.

    Your lead paragraph is very weak. Tell me why I want your food. Make me hungry.

    Your tag line: "The Foods Pretty Good Too!!" needs an apostrophe and a comma: "The Food's Pretty Good, Too!", although I don't know what that means. The food is pretty good, as well as... what?

    Get rid of the frame on your menu page and provide links at the top of the page to jump to each category, and put a "back to top" after each category to make navigating the menu easier. People will not struggle through a long list to find what they want.

    The menu needs better spacing to make it easier to read. The Breakfast Sides and Beverages need to be in a font size consistent with the names of the other products.

    Do you have pictures of your food that you can put next to each item of the menu? I'm going to buy with my eyes, and a picture says a whole lot more than just a list of ingredients.

    Lose the Forbes ads on the menu page. They don't fit on that page, or anywhere on your site. I would lose the "Call Now To Order!" animation, too. It doesn't look professional, and isn't a good call to action.

    It's good that you have directions on your Location page. You should put a map on there, as well.

    I hope this is helpful.
  • Posted on Author

    Thank you so much for your help. You're right. The menu text is way too big, but everytime I try to change it back, and publish the changes, it goes back to that big font. Also, the geometrics are bad too, but it was a premade template. Our colors are red, green and white (Italian), but again, that's the premade template.

    I will work on everything you suggested. Even the Forbes links. They don't fit the website - you are very right. Thank so so much for your insight and help.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    nice graphics, good content.
    I would like to see some information on specials, menu items that only are offered via the web etc.
  • Posted on Member
    I am also an Albano, and would love to help (maybe we're related?)

    The site looks good overall, concise, professional, and to the point. It is easy to navigate through, and offers an online menu that is easy to read.

    A few suggestions to help you utilize the site to build your business:

    1) separate the catering and restaurant menus into two pages. Those looking for catering should have an easy to find page on the main navigation that is specific to their needs.

    2) on the contact page, you provide a way for users to fax an order, but I don't see an order form? if you make this simple and as seamless as possible for the user, you will see a tremendous increase in business.

    3) do you have any special offers available? these should be called out with a link on the top of the homepage. for instance, free delivery on orders over a certain amount, discounts for local businesses, or added-value items provided for large catering orders? an incentive can go a long way in increasing your corporate orders.

    4) if folks send you an email with an order, how will they know that the order will be placed? as a consumer placing lunch orders from the office, I would prefer to use email - however there should be some information here telling users the turnaround time on those orders, and/or any restrictions (ie: emails are only recieved during specific hours, or require additional turnaround time?)

  • Posted on Author
    Hi Melissa,

    You're an Albano! Thank you so much for your suggestions. They are extremely helpful and made alot of sense. I'm still trying to figure out a way to add an order form to the website for fax orders.

    Also keeping the lunch menu and the catering menu on different pages is exactly what we should do. I have to try and figure a way to do this myself. There is a way, but I've yet to figure it out.

    Thanks a million for your suggestions and help. If you're ever in Chicago, stop by!

    Gisele Albano

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