
Topic: Website Critique

B2b Tech Web Site Critique

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hello everyone,

I'm finally putting the finishing touches on my firm's Web site: (inactive link removed)

Please let me know what you think of it. Keep in mind that we're having some formatting issues with the home page, so an e-Newsletter subscription module should be to the right of the survey at the bottom. Our IT person is helping me figure this out.

The site hasn't been launched yet, so don't worry about SEO. I'm just interested in your thoughts on the aesthetics/content/layout. I really appreciate your help!


[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    What is the correct URL?
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I can not make it work either... please check it out
  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    Still not working. Your url needs a .com, .net, .org, etc. as in, but that is not the right one.

  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    I believe with out an extension it will only work for people that are on your local network.

  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Overall the page looks pretty good. It is a nice clean layout.

    My personal feeling is that the menus's across the top could be in a little larger font. Also the active link and rollover link are too dark. The colors get lost in the black. It is still handy to be able to read the text when rolled over. The text on the drop down is much better. Perhaps the tab could change color when rolled over similar to the drop down.

    I am not crazy about the phone icon in the header. It seems a little cheesy.

    I am also a big fan of putting all the contact info somewhere on the home page (and all pages for that matter). It is pretty common to have the phone number, physical address, and email in the footer or the header. I usually prefer the header.

    On some pages the images need to be optimized for the web for faster load times. This is true on the products page. There is no reason for the "Gathered happy Products.jpg" to be over 1 Mb. This image should be edited in an image editing software to be made to the shown size of 400pxX266px. This will load much faster. You will also want to use alt tags on all your images.

    Overall the look and feel of the page is good.

    Hope this helps,

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Your company name & tagline & phone number in your banner are hard to read.

    Your copy didn't clearly tell me who you're targeting and what your offering is. Are you consultants and/or service providers?

    Your clients aren't immediately looking for "forward-looking workers". They're looking for solutions to their problems. What problems of theirs do you solve?
  • Posted on Member
    Overall the site looks good. I second the comment about the phone icon, and also add that the icons on the SpinFire page look tacky.

    Are you selling your own software? Installation and management of others' software? It's not really clear. It's also not clear who your audience is. What kinds of businesses? What kinds of people? The site is very technical - is that your audience? If not, it's too technical. Add some "meat" for the non-technical people (who may have to approve the expense) to latch onto.

    Put more about the problems you solve on the front page. "Protect your data from attacks", "Cut spam up to 99%".. or whatever is appropriate.
  • Posted by babbsela on Member
    IMO, it looks like every other templated site. Nothing stands out as exceptional.

    I agree with the prior posters. The blue text on black in your navigation is hard to read, and should be bigger. The phone icon does look cheesy, and the phone number should be larger.

    Your sales copy "We all get wrapped up in our work." etc., doesn't tell me why I want to do business with you, or what problems you can address. When making a statement that is intended to show me you understand, quickly spell out what my problem is and how you can fix it.
  • Posted on Member
    While I also agree that it is easy to tell the site is templated, I don't think your target audience will be concerned with that. As marketing professionals, we are going to notice certain aspects that will not be visible to your intended target audience.

    Overall, the site looks professional, clean and organized. The copy seems to speak to the audience, and it is easy to navigate.

    However, I would take a serious look at the images you are using. Some are very tacky and obviously posed (products, services, and training pages especially), and I'm pretty sure I've seen the image of this particular woman with the headset on your contact page on 20 or 30 other websites. If you haven't checked out the images available on or you may want to do so. There are thousands of images available that may appeal better to your target audience.

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