
Topic: Advertising/PR

Getting Press In National Business Pubs Wsj, Forbe

Posted by cmalicki on 500 Points
My company (an architectural/engineering firm) has doubled in size in 3 years, reached the over 1k employee mark, completed 2 acquisitions with cash, hasn't drawn on credit, is designing the only 3 auto plants in the US, over 50% of our work is in the renewable energy market (although our clients are very confidential and won't let us talk about the projects specifically), our 3 yr old China office is now our 3rd largest - soon to be our 2nd. Our HQ is in the rust belt. It's our 60th anniversary. I have to believe that in this economy this is newsworthy on a national level. I'm just not sure what the best way is to go about finding the angle or the hook and I'm quite certain reporters at that level don't want a weak pitch, or have the time to figure out how to stitch this all together. I feel the quotes from PR firms to make this happen are unreasonable. Any suggestions on how to flush the story out and make something happen?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I see this more of an Inc. article than Forbes (right genre, perhaps, for one of their profiles, but this does not appear to be "news"). I think the WSJ is out.

    When Inc. was still owned by Bernie G., they were still pretty approachable, and much of the magazine was freelance written.

    Now, however, I'm not so sure.

    I wrote several articles for Inc. a number of years ago, so I'd be happy to see if somehow, some way I can spark an ember of interest. They may want you to source your own freelancer, though. I could help with that, too.

    If you tell me that this magazine is not the caliber you're looking for, though, I won't waste the energy. Just let me know.

    - Paul
  • Posted by cmalicki on Author
    I should mention that my best case scenario would be an article about the firm, a profile of sorts, highlighting our success despite being HQ'd in the rust belt. How we've been able to take a 60 yr old firm and renovate it Almost the "Extreme Makeover" of companies angle. We're succeeding against all odds.
  • Posted by cmalicki on Author
    Thanks, Paul. I'd love to talk to you offline about that potential and what resources we would need to make that happen. What is a good way to get ahold of you?
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    First and foremost, establish relationships with journalists that cover your industry. When you do this, they will look to you for your company's input on stories of the day, and provide you with a working list of people off which to bounce story ideas.

    For the NOW, the best way to flush out the best story line for your business is to ask yourself how you're different than everyone else in your industry. Aside from earnings (although the cash acquisition angle is big!), hires and company longevity, what are one or two aspects of your business that you know that separates it from other architectural and engineering firms?

    Also, think in terms of visuals. Are your designs outside of the norm, environmentally forward or more functional as well?

    Maintain this mindset -- write down a thought every time one comes to you, regardless of how valuable it seems -- you can always cut and modify later. When you identify potential angles on an ongoing basis and demonstrate how they relate to current events, you'll feel less stressed when you're pressed for a pitch in the future.
  • Posted by cmalicki on Author
    Thanks Gail. We actually already do a great job in our client industry verticals, our industry and regional pubs. Good reporter relationships. The national general business is our unchartered territory.

    Inc. is a great pub, but it's not hitting our core...which most of our clients are Fortune 100-500. Perhaps that's the angle.... We're trying to find the angle that will reach the Forbes, Fortune, Business Week, etc.

    We're media trained and ready, again we're just trying to find out how to pass a sniff test so we don't waste anyone's time. Like a pre-pitch or test pitch. Or even help developing a pitch. Does anyone provide THAT service? Esp. P4P! That would be a DREAM.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I would also suggest you look into the following:

    You'll receive an email every day with reporters who ae working on specific stories and are looking for sources. It is a free service and you may find journalists working on stories relevant to your needs. Being a truly targeted source is a must, but this may broaden your reach and provide you with some good opportunities and exposure.

    Good luck!!
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Dear Christine

    This is going to be tricky in the current climate – not because your stories about your company are less interesting than collapsing banks, but because the news agenda and therefore the daily focus of journalists who might write about you are changing by the minute, directed by the latest fall-out from the financial crisis. However, as an antidote to endless bad news, good news still sells. You just have the rather more difficult job of finding journalists who want to present the flip side of the doom and gloom coin.

    I would suggest that you package your company’s numerous achievements into distinctive areas of interest such as:

    Huge growth over the last 3 years
    Growth in China
    Environmentally sound projects
    Organic growth and acquisition without debt

    Here’s a new one which will no doubt be under discussion in the boardroom right now: How to take advantage of businesses which are suffering through their financing drying up so that you can take them over, rescue their operations and secure their future.

    An over-view of the 60 years would be the main article, which if it were to incorporate your ability to rise above the current woes, could be pitched at Forbes, The FT and the Wall Street Journal. Even hardened hacks get fed-up regurgitating the same “World to end tomorrow” line day after day and a company which shows it’s ability to transcend the problems might also be used as one of many which will be role models for the future.

    A telling line from an FT journalist to me yesterday – “Shortly, I’m going to need something cheerful to write about or I’ll self destruct!”

    Steve Alker
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Many PR people earn their salary by developing relationships with the media resulting in pitches that are heard. You've no doubt been quoted a higher fee to access the ears of a select group of reporters/editors who are deluged with pitches. A great PR person would also help you spin your story for specific reporter needs.

    If you want to go at it alone, you have a few options:
    * A press release. The release would focus on a hook. For example, 60-year anniversary, 3 recessions, and still going strong.
    * Leveraging your vertical reporter connections. Ask them for who they are connected with nationally.
    * Leveraging your clients' connections. If one of your clients is doing something PR-worthy, offer to write a press release for them, featuring how your relationship has made it happen.

    Here are some companies that offer pay-for-performance PR:
  • Posted by cmalicki on Author
    All great suggestions, and very helpful. What is a reasonable price to have a PR pro help with this. One with the appropriate connections?
  • Posted by cmalicki on Author
    Didn't see any takers on that last question. If there are please contact me. I'll leave this out there one more day and see what happens. Thanks again!
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    A self employed PR and Marketing person usually charges between $400 and $2000 a day depending on how good they are.

    Why not post a project here on MarketingProfs to get access to our subscriber base who carry out this king of work.

    When we do it in the UK we usually charge £800 / day after agreeing time scales review, and setting progress markers.


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