
Topic: Advertising/PR

How To Reach Out Overseas Partners

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points

We are freelance media and marketing professionals who does the following:

- web designing flash or xhtml
- business and marketing analysis
- events organizing
- commercial photography
- pr services
- content management

and we are looking for some ways to promote our services to all those companies overseas who would like to start their businesses here in Dubai.

you can check our website after October 1oth

[inactive link removed]

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Well then you need to optimize your site so that it speaks to the world about your unique service.
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member
    Very nice Flash intro, where is the web site ?? :))))

    I agree with the comments above but that aside.

    I understand that you are in Dubai therefore the only clients that you are looking for internationally are those companies who are already doing or want to do business in Dubai.

    Of course a UK company for instance is not going to hire you to help them do marketing in the UK but if they want to reach out to a Dubai audience, then they may want to tap your local market expertise.

    That is the message that you need to get out to the market. It is a narrowly defined audience but considering the current rate of growth in your market, there may well be many companies internationally that want to enter your market.

    Focus on that one aspect and make sure that you have a great portfolio of local clients to demonstrate your success to date. Make sure you web site is available in multi languages; arabic of course must be there because fi want to sell my products in Dubai then you have to be able to reach out to an arabic audience on my behalf.

    Good luck.

  • Posted on Author
    Yeah... you can hit the skip below. We are currently observing our website so if you have any "friendly" comments please email us and we will be glad to do any changes to make it better. Actually our first client is a European yacht company with an umbrella of events and other services. What i am trying to say is, of course we do know how to market ourselves but as the new form of PR and media relations emerge throughout the globe and locally we all have different types of business and marketing approach. Like here for an instance that media here in Dubai is not that easy to reach out to and that's what we want to get our message across that we could help them make it easy if they would like to contribute their business here in the local market.

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