
Topic: Advertising/PR

How To Sign-up Physicians

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Just got hired as an Independent Rep for a Company that provides scanning service to detect hidden heart diseases and strokes in seemingly assymptomatic individuals.Soft plaque build-up is responsible for the majority of sudden deaths from heart attacks. Those at risk dont even know they have it until its too late.The test is recommended by both the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology.
Unfortunately, most primary physicains only talk to their patients about the traditional (risk factor) tests such as cholestrol, stress test,angiogram etc. But none of these tests can detect the killer soft plaque in the carotid artery. When Tim Russel died suddenly, only then was plaque discovered!
I've never marketed to Physicians before. We want them to sign-up. If you were me, how would you go about it?
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    I would use the death of TIM RUSSERT as an example as to why there is increased interest in detecting soft plaque build-up. (Physicians reported that people flocked to GPs and cardiologists after this newsman's passing.) Emphasize that this device is not only valuable, but will help make them more marketable to patients. Patients will thank their lives for a physician's investment in this scanner.

    That the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology recommend the test is key, and icing to your marketing.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Another approach would be to develop consumer awareness about the test, and ask them to talk to their doctor about it. That's the common technique pharmaceutical companies do - educate the consumer with the fear/problem, then collaborate with their physician. The physician who hasn't heard about it will then contact you for more detailed information.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I would prepare a list of the best known Physicians. I mean the leaders of the profession in your market. At the same time I would contact the American Heart Association and/or American College of Cardiology as independent associations and organize with them a seminar exclusively for those Physicians in your list where the subject would be the importance of detecting soft plaque in the carodit artery. Of course your company will have to provide the resources for this seminar. It is important not to give those Physicians the feeling that you are selling a service but that the service is the result of a recommendation by the American Heart Association and/or American College of Cardiology as independent respected associations. This option might look complicated but it is not if you want to position your company for a long term as a professional corporation.
  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    Are you trying to get in touch with physicians in a city, county, state, country or world-wide? The scope may affect how you go about this.

  • Posted by babbsela on Member
    Are you trying to sell this scanner to physicians, or are you trying to get them to start using your services, i.e.: send their patients to you for the scan?
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    You have a wonderful opportunity to teach and be a resource. My new husband markets a procedure to docs that is not traditional. Docs are like everyone else, they only hear the "whats in it for me". My hubby had a hard time convincing docs-- and then we (I) did a ROI sheet. His numbers can't be ignored. It adds dollars to the doc's bottom line and costs patients less. Then we hit another plateau. We (I) put together a patient brochure identifying what the procedure means to the patient. All benefits. Our brochure is designed to be personalized with the doc's name. I go in and teach the staff how to identify patients with this condition in their database. Its a wonderful way for us to work together. I also coach their staff on call reluctance. Be a resource. Go beyond and the docs will rely on you. Its win/win. We have improved sales over 300% and I am not done yet!
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    I want to add one more question. Are you as independent rep working in an exclusive territory? It makes a difference in the advice we give you. Thanks
  • Posted on Author
    Wow! What a wonderful medium this is! Excellent responses. Yes, I work exclusively in the city of NY and the scans are done in Physicians offices.We dont sell the scanners. We provide the service. Good point Carol. I've heard that Docs are hard to convince. That's why I posted.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    My husband doesn't sell the equipment either but provides the service. So in your case, as his-- you will be providing revenue to the doc that goes straight to the bottom line. You don't cost them money, you make them money-- without need for additional staff, reassignment of existing staff or equipment. I didn't say they were hard to convince-- once we presented the facts in a concise way. But it took multiple contacts to get them to understand -- there is a need for this service, and it is as profitable as we said it was. Its all a consultative sell. Docs of the same specialty in a small area are very tight knit. We have no problem asking and receiving referrals. In fact, they volunteer not only to give the referral, but call the doc personally and introduce him.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Carol! One question though-how did you manage to 'overcome' the gatekeepers?And how much time did you have to spend with Docs on each 'consultative' visit?
    To answer Mikee's and babbsela's questions-am trying to get in touch with Docs in the NY area and the service will be performed in their offices. Got any ideas?
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    The gatekeepers are your friends. The office manager is charged with running the office in an efficient profitable way. Aren't you making her the hero? Don't talk down to them, don't even try to push beyond her. Show her the value, she'll take it straight to the doc. Look thru her eyes, she sees it as her office.

    As far as length ov calls-- our calls do not take a long time. But my answer is "they take as long as necessary". Everyone has their own pace. You're there to find the right solution for this office-- it is the reason you are there-- you have no where else to go.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm

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