
Topic: Student Questions

Pr For A New Stadium

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
There is going to be a new multipurpose stadium built in our city, largely paid for by the ratepayers. There is alot of anti-stadium sentiment. For a uni assignment we have been given the task of creating a brand image that will show it in a positive light to these opponents. The opponents are largely 50 years +, and middle to lower income. The website for the stadium is, and the opponents page is Opponents seem to have fairly justified arguments based on the costs etc, and the pro-stadium group's arguments are fairly weak. We were thinking something along the lines of making a charity fund, scholarships etc. Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    I don't know of too many stadiums that don't go thru negatives as you describe. Here in Denver we had the same issues, and if they took a populous vote, we wouldn't have it.

    You need to focus on what the stadium means to the community long term, How much money overall does it bring to the comminity -- in revenue to local hotels, jobs. restaurants, when national networks pick up the event-- and of course all of the above are taxed. Yes, you can create a "giving back" program And here, almost every large company has a "community" program. And that is expected -- but the reality is venues such as this already give back to their community.
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    There are absolute benefits to welcoming a new stadium into the community and as suggested above, many of those cities didn't realize just how great the benefits until a year or 10 after the facility was built.

    In addition to highlighting all of the jobs and revenue that the stadium will bring into the area, present this opposing group with situations that were just like yours with dissenters just like them. Show the benefits of those facilities after a few years and how people came to appreciate what it means to the community (we have one right here in Milwaukee, Wis., in Miller Park).

    Not only are there monetary benefits to a new stadium and the jobs and revenue that comes along with it, but publicity for your city with a fresh new, attractive and functional facility is priceless.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Negative press is neg press. Is that the end of the world and the idea? Lets just pack up our tents

    Who needs someone who accepts that/ Consider it is not as negative as you think. Its only one groups perspective. You have stated this is an assignment. Open your mind. Cause it seems u have already made your decision/
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Focus on the benefits to the general population, but more so, the benefits to the opponents. How will it benefit them? Will increased taxes be useful to provide needed services?
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Perhaps showing how stadiums have revitalized cities all around the world, bringing new businesses and visitors to the area. Most of these visitors leave behind some money. I would present case studies from other cities.

  • Posted on Accepted
    A new state-of-the-art stadium in Dunedin will greatly benefit the city and region and will create a destination in the south. Destinations create economies and attract businesses and investment dollars. The harbor side area where the stadium is proposed to be built will greatly benefit the city as long overdue improvements have been needed in that part of the city for many years. When I use to live in Dunedin (as near as 2006) and would walk and ride my bike along that area - I often thought of investing and buying land up along the harbor areas because that area is prime and currently underappreciated.

    The one thing I can't understand though (and this is true in cities everywhere) - why does a stadium have to come out of tax payer dollars -- your committee should be tap toeing on tops of tables to attract private investment for the stadium. There is a lot of money in Otago and Dunedin and you would be surprised that it is not just the fat local govt that has it. Name the stadium after the company that puts up the dollars to erect it. They are building golf courses in parts of the world that cost many more times the value of this stadium – if those developments can find and attract private investment dollars to build another golf course than surely a much needed stadium can find private dollars too.

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