
Topic: Student Questions


Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
hello every body
i am a new student in marketing
an i want the following subject
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    What is it you are asking?

  • Posted on Accepted
    yes your question needs some work...
  • Posted by corpblue on Accepted
    Hi Prince...
    Welcome to the world of Marketing, Sales & Advertising...
    Though no one understood what exactly you are asking for.., I think my suggestion could help you..
    First of all, if u intend to learn something in marketing you can do that for passing your college exams & get a certificate Or... you interested to read, know, understand & implement those marketing strategies- then sky is the limit as the stratagies, dynamics, and everthing in the field of marketing changes very fast.
    For the later cause, you would not need a syllabus, but you might need a GOD father, who can help you learn the dynamics better.
    In case you want to learn the fundamentals, I suggest you browse through the books from the Phillip Kotler stable.
    Best of luck.,.

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