
Topic: Website Critique

Landing Page Critique For Marketing/design Agency

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
We are developing a Google PPC campaign for a full-service marketing and advertising agency, and the objective is to get qualified leads via phone or completion of a short form.

We have developed the below two landing pages, and I am looking for any feedback you can provide. The target audience are the owners or decision-makers of mid-sized local/regional businesses. Our goal is to convince them to pick up the phone and call to setup a consultation/meeting, or email us via the enclosed form.

The first landing page is for web design and development services, the second is for graphic design, branding, and advertising services. They are very similar, but it is practically impossible for the same viewer to stumble on both, as these will be targeted at completely different ad groups.
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    Maybe it's just me, but I do not like that you're offering the proposition before I've had a chance to read the proof.

    I think your client quote should come before the contact form, not after.

    You also say you want people to have the option of calling you. Where is your phone number (in big, readable type) on the landing lage?

    And please let that goldfish out of that tiny bowl before the PETA crew come after you...
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Kathleen,
    in response to your note about people not calling or signing up from the landing page alone - we are fully expecting that most people will continue to look through the site rather than simply fill out the form or call as a direct result of the landing page itself, and do not expect a high percentage of people to call/email from this. However, we do want to provide the opportunity for those that may be spurred to call or email to do so from this page. As well, we want to provide enough info here to at least keep them interested in moving through the site even if they don't choose to call right away.

    Also - thanks to both of you for noticing the missing phone number - somewhere along the way in the design process it was deleted, and we will be sure to add it back in immediately! Hence the problem with designing/revising from inside the company, we're too close to it sometimes to notice our own mistake.
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Member
    Looks like an over glorified form page to me.

    Pardon me for being harsh, but you certainly haven't proven to me that you understand web sites or understand graphic design. Sure, you may not be a 14 year old kid working out of mommy and daddy's basement, but you don't demonstrate your skills either. Don't just say you can do for others, DEMONSTRATE that you can do what you say you can do for yourself!


    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted

    I think these are better than the ones you had us critique a little while ago.

    I do think they are a little wordy. I usually prefer a few touch points and will not spend a lot of time reading text when I am browsing. Especially when I click on a sponsor link.

    I am also very suprised to see that you are lacking mahor links to the rest of your site. I personally would include your menu so that people can check out your work, Most of the time the landing page is the hook to get people to explore your site. As others mentioned, I would want to see examples of your work before I gave you contact information. I personally would not worry about trying to get contact information on this page. I would use it to showcase a project you did and link it to a gallery of others samples.

    In your portfolio, it might be nice to have a little of the explanation of the problems you solved for your clients, especially since your are telling people that you listen to their needs and do work custom for them. Right know it is just thumbnails and links. You can hook people more if they can see that you have worked with people that have similar needs.

    Hope this helps,

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