
Topic: Advertising/PR

30 Second Telemarketing Message Needed!

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I need an appropriate 20 to 30 second message for a telemarketing system used to advertise a home based business.
The home business does not involve selling. Interested parties would be interviewing prospects to gain understanding if they fit the profile of person who is goal oriented, coachable, and will not try to reinvent the wheel. The message must must conform with national standards for telemarketing operations. It must present the company name and name of the caller.
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  • Posted by michael on Member
    Whatever you do, don't say "I am not selling anything". Nobody believes that.

  • Posted by babbsela on Member
    Here's an article that may help:

    It's important to mention here that you should not use a recorded message, but have live people who are doing the calling.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Focus on what the benefit is-- not the business. But don't go the route of many that only talk about "do you want a 6 fig income without talking about the benefit of product.

    I am always looking for added revenue stream and -- I blow off every business "opportunity" that doesn't tell me what I am selling and the benefit it provides. It screams MLM and the only way I get $ is to have others sell something for me.

  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Wow – what a product. Can I assume that with 340,000 subscribers to MarketingProfs all of whom are notified about forum questions, that as your product sells itself, you are now not on the way to $5000 of profits, or on your way to $25,000 from Liberty Conferences or even $120,000 from Summit Conferences.

    By now, according to your own web-site video, the vast majority of our 339,999 smart marketers (There got to be a member who is a bit thick) will have availed themselves of the opportunity to become Beyond Freedom (I always thought that it was the County Gaol which was beyond freedom?) advisors and thus you are about to earn $339,999,000 from your tier one revenues. That’s a cool $340 Billion in round figures. After all, no one else has ever shown such a convincing way of making money to the worlds largest marketing forum before have they – so you are the lucky one to make all the sales – No?

    In the UK this has too little definable product in the business opportunity part for it to be classed as MLM. It would thus be classed as “An Illegal Lottery” which is the law used to ban pyramid selling schemes and to truly put their organisers “Beyond Freedom” or as we put it, In the Nick.

    If you really want to take the most modern approach to the pyramid rip-off, you ought to look at the “Web Marketing” schemes which use the vast reach of the internet to flatten the pyramid and thus, for a time, avoid nasty legal issues. At least they have the honesty to show you on the first major “Up-Sell” that the total aim of the scheme is to teach other people how to do the same thing. So rather than a pyramid, which your scheme certainly is, you have a linear product training business, where the end product is selling the scheme to people who will themselves sell to people who ---- ad infinitum.

    It’s only when the merry-go-round of $27 sales, $47 up-sells and $397 big ticket sells ends and the founders go onto their next product launch that thousands of people realise that everything they learned was out of date and that the had to try a new way if they ever want to make the big-bucks. So that’s another $29, $47 and $397 please, but this time as you are an expert you can buy into our Master-Class which is only $2997!!!

    You also need to look at the number of people who decide to buy from you expressed as a ratio of those who were invited to buy but didn’t. If just one person from MarketingProfs has bought into your scheme (Tell us who he / she is and we’ll send them a dunce’s cap along with a letter of commiseration) then that’s 339,998 who said “No thanks” (Or something ruder, but Carrie and Val would have deleted such postings)

    On this statistic (1:339,998) conversion rate, you will have been rejected by around 1.75 Million people to get your first 5 sales. If all of your 5 sales then attempt to do the same and have the same close rate, that’s a number which is greater than the population of the planet who will have rejected the scheme in just 3 steps!

    Someone round here isn’t telling the truth, and if you think that it is not you, then I wish that we could have shown you some of the basic maths to explain why these schemes ultimately lead to a financial loss for the vast majority of participants. Not that you’d believe me if you are already entrapped, but that’s why they are illegal over here and why your website has so many health warnings.

    As it screams “Don’t buy” why on earth did you?

    Steve Alker

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I would like to take the time to help you but I'm just too busy since I'm building a fellow who's invented a way to spin straw into gold.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Telemoxie – that’s quite a moral way to make money in comparison – at least he has to spin the gold to sell it – unless he’s into the futures market. Or derivatives, or debt-obligations etc, etc!

    One of the greatest evils under the sun is one which dresses itself up in the clothes of decency to the extent that it is in the blind eyes of justice, wholly legal. Wasn’t that one of the ways the early mobsters avoided the law – everything that could be pinned on them was legal and they were undone by the application of petty laws like avoiding taxes.

    The same goes for money shuffling and pyramidal selling. No sooner it is outlawed under one set of legislation; it re-invents itself in the narrow sense which the law permits by becoming MLM with a non-existent product. Ban that and it pops up again as gifting for a club which has special meetings which you buy into the right to attend. Sadly you can’t legislate against people being stupid and greedy.

    If a business which can only succeed by producing a majority of participants who needs must be losers, then that’s a problem for the losers, but hey – so what, you aren’t going to be a loser, so what – suckers.

    Just in case you think I’m on a moral high horse, think again. It’s the maths boyo, the maths.

    Best wishes


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