
Topic: Advertising/PR

Disney And Destination Management: How Do They Create And Market Successful Destinations?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I live and work in Canada. Essentially we try to assist communities with buidling themselves as a destination with a specific look towards selling their Arts and Cultural attractions.

Rumour has it that Disney has a formula to determine the components of a visitor experience, however I have been unable to obtain this info as of yet. I'm looking for someone who is an expert in destination management and marketing and specifically with any models that Disney has used in this regard. Thanks!
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    I just got back from Disney world and capitalized on the whole experience. While I was down there I conducted several interviews from Managers to supervisors, clerks and ground crew. It was a blast and Disney does have a formula. There's no way you get a powerful brand like the one they have without using a systematic approach.

    I'm also sorry to say I am not an expert in destination management but I do love marketing and consume books about the subject like a child eating a bag of potato chips. I'm only a *CPE, (Customer Passion Evangelist) and you may not want to hear my inside information that I gained from a Disney manager(LOL) :-)

    But the information I have is limited and will cost you more time and money to gain specific answers and I'm not quite sure if you are interested in going this route. It appears you're seaching for experience at no additional cost and I do not have the specific information myself but I can turn you on to what you're looking for but they do not offer these answers without charging. If you would like to hear more please respond. If you want to know what a *CPE does to help companies fall in love with their products or services read my profile by clicking on my name and send me an email. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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