
Topic: Advertising/PR

What Is Corporate Branding All About

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
what are the distinctions between product branding and corporate branding.I would also like to know what are the things that contitutes corporate branding, the benefits ,the essence if any and a mention of organisations that have well defined corporate branding strategeies.

Should companies focus more on corporate branding or product branding. what is the origin of corporate branding.
Thank you.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Hi oludey,

    Have you gone to the question guidelines link?

    If you don't get the answer you're looking for, please come back and ask based on what your search produced.

    best of luck,

    - Steve
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member

    You might try the "search questions" section under participate heading. here's a link from a past KHE question.

    If this doesn't work for you, please provide more info.

    hope this helps,

    - Steve
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Here’s another link that may help.

    - Steve
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hmm ! ... Why??....... Let me try....

    there are comanies that operate in multiple segments/category/industry and have different brands to cater to each segment/category/industry. The company is continuously investing behid its brands to make them Top of Mind brands. well some become, others become 2nd ro 3rd brands in respective markets.

    with passage of time these individual brands overshadow the corporate brand and people call that company as "maker of XXX brand" forgetting that company name.

    For these companies, it also needd to have an identity of its own separate from its brands that are currently overshadowing the corportate brand. HERE comes corporate branding to identify the company separate from their leading brands, they want to come out of "maker of XXX brand" brand company and have their own company as a brand. This mostly happens in FMCG, Food& Beverage industry. For example Philip Morris International is known as "Maker of Marlboro", but it also owns successful, leader brands like Lucky Strikes etc. PMI will definitely have a corporate branding to come out of shadow of "Maker of Marlboro" and be established as Philip Morris International brand.

    Another instance of corporate branding is by companies engaged in Controversial business to establish Corporate Social Responsibilit/Corporate Citizenship etc. This is mostly in Oil/Gas exploration/distribution industry. i.e. BP (British Petroleum) rebranded itself to a Greener company and established itself as a environment friendly company despite engaged in an industry which is causing environmental damamge. Thats Corporate Branding for BP.

    i hope this helps!



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