
Topic: Advertising/PR

What Are Some "hot" Events For Cold Weather?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hey all you retail gurus, I'm looking for some winter time into early spring events for a retail garden center. What are some wintery events you have tried that were hugely successful that could be a big hit in a retail garden center? And what are some that bombed that you'd never do again? What have you done event wise -- from workshops to wine & cheese parties -- to get people in the door during cold winter months when gardens -- and customers -- are frozen?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    It depends on your budget and your demographics. In general, the key is to excite people about enjoying garden.

    For example, you could have a slide show of local gardens remodels (before/during/after), with experts on hand to describe how they did it as well as how you could do-it-yourself. Have people bring in pictures of their gardens, and the experts can provide free advice for a redo. A door prize winner would get gift certificates for plants, tools, and/or consulting services.

    An essay contest (kids and parents alike): "What my garden is missing". Let people dream big. All entries are in-store. All customers get a free vote for the best dream. Winning entry gets $X towards making the dream a reality.

    Or even, how to bring in the garden into your home (creating garden rooms/effects) lecture/give-away.
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    You can call the wine & cheese party the "Garden Of Eatin'".
  • Posted on Accepted
    The retail garden center in our area always has a special event right around Christmas (with Santa and live reindeer!)

    "Holiday Coupons" and hot chocolate are passed around all night. You can customize fleece blankets with the garden center logo and offer them as part of a sales promotion...

    I have access to mugs shaped like flower pots (perfect for the hot chocolate) and access to tons of other items...I love to brainstorm.

    You can contact me directly at [Email address deleted by staff]

    All best,

    [URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for your thoughtful responses. Please visit your local, independent garden center this season and give a gift of a plant to Mother Nature for the holidays!
  • Posted by DougM on Accepted
    There is a company called The Dickens Carolers that are a singing quartet that specialize in Christmas songs. They gain a following everywhere that they perform. It would be the perfect accompaniment to a Holiday themed event.

    There are similar groups all over the US.

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