
Topic: Advertising/PR

Need Marketing & Strategy Advice...where To Start?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have an excellent opportunity for offering our in-house "Print on Demand" Advertising Materials...but I don't know how to go about setting this up & getting it in front of the companies who would benefit from it most.
An in general summary of this idea/proposal is:
*We have a 60" x 96" UV Digital Printer, prints 4CP on most substrates up to 1.5" thick
*Build a Customer Specific website made for franchises, corporate chains, distributors, schools, etc.
*Each franchise has the opportunity to log-in, place an order...for example; 3 Banners, 10 Window Clings, 2 Counter Mats & 1 Open/Closed Sign....possibly for that particular month's promotion.
*The order is received by us, printed & shipped direct to that specific franchise
*Corporate bills each affiliate for their order, based on data transmitted by us at the time of shipment.
*End of the month...all orders will be tallied, detailed by franchise & invoiced to Corporate.

Corporate Benefits:
*All orders printed & shipped will be billed on a monthly basis for only the actual orders received. As opposed to paying upfront for a large print run, inventory & warehousing for items that they can only HOPE will be ordered by their affiliate locations.
*Personalization....Since this is Digital...we can make each print order specific to that one franchise if requested.

So...My question(s); How do I get started? What do I need to do first? How do I get it in front of the right buyers? Who are the right buyers?
We have this excellent capability that would benefit so many small chains, franchises & distributors....but I am stuck on how to get it out there.

Thank you in advance for any guidance on this.
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  • Posted on Accepted

    I would advice you to have some professional develope your website and marketing material. Once you have that, you can present yourself to the prospective buyers. The key is have it to look professional and not as something you are just starting with.
    I didnt have much money to invest on this so I tried hiring some freelance and after much research I had The NetMen Corp do my corporate image and it turned out to be just what I needed, because it portrayed the correct image to my customers which is essential.
    You can go and visit their site at

    Hope this helps!!
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Jennifer...
    Thank you for the response & yes, it is very good advice. We (DGI owner & myself) have already discussed that the web end of it would have to be outsourced to a professional. And yes....brochures to get an initial prospect "Interest" is rather effective.

    I would like to hear from someone on the "Corporate" marketing side. Does this opportunity sound beneficial to you, within your own Corporate Marketing/Advertising budgets & procedures? If so, do you have any recommendations on what features or methods would peak your interest as a buyer?

    Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Distributors in this text is incorrect- brokers is the right word I did a biz plan for a similar co a few years ago. Rest assured it is the future of the industry. As far as finding prospects-- you are looking for a shortcut. Get out and earn their bus. In the plan I did-- the company had no sals staff- no advertising and thrived. They earned the biz. Its very tight knit.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If you haven't already, read Bag The Elephant (John Pepper) ( Lots of information about how to approach your target market.

    Carol's right - there are no shortcuts. You need to identify prospective ideal clients, and win them over, and become a preferred vendor.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you both, Carol & Jay for your input. My intent with this posting was not to find shortcuts....but to get feedback on the idea itself & any strategy or marketing advice I can get.
    We have already decided to 1st put a professional model XYZ company website together, add POP items pertinent to XYZ's product & structure...and once we get it all perfected, use this model XYZ company in the actual sales call.
    Once again....any & all input is appreciated!
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Well as far as input- per my research-- it is the future of the industry. Its cutting edge and the technology that can do this is expensive-- a strength for you as you have already invested in it. When I did the referenced biz plan it opened my eyes-- and I am better for it. You have a real competitive edge. However the shortcut referenced is on selling techniques, not technology, need or demand.

    So-- Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    If you were me, I would began by calling on advertising agencies.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for the input....I will let you know how it all turns out!


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