
Topic: Advertising/PR

Holiday Postcards/fliers For Teeth Whitening Biz

Posted by bianca202 on 125 Points
Hello. I have a mobile 20 minute cosmetic teeth whitening company. I am starting to work out of a salon and would like to do some fliers or postcards to generate business for the holidays.

The name of my company is Wow White Smile and I am am trying to come up with something that is cute for the holidays like...'increase your wow factor for the holidays!' My service is usually $129. but I would like cut cut the price for the holidays to $99. to generate appointments or keep it the same price and offer a free teeth whitening pen for all appointments through 12/31.

Any suggestions about slogans would be welcomed. Thank you.
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    Very cool concept!

    Tagline ideas:

    * "I'm dreaming of a white...WOW!"

    * "May your days be merry and your teeth be bright (or white)"

    I don't know if the discount is necessary since other professional whitening treatments cost a great deal more. You also want to be sure that your service is seen as a quality one; if you cut prices, people may doubt that yours is a true, safe, professional whitening treatment.

  • Posted by bianca202 on Author
    True..maybe I should not cut the price. I would however like to add some sort of appointment booking incentive like from (date) to (date) all new customers will receive a complimentary teeth whitening pen (40$ value).
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    White Teeth for a White Christmas
    You can Sparkle for the Holidays
    One more sparkle for the holidays
    Make Sure You Shine for the Holidays

    Hope these help,

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