
Topic: Website Critique

Critique My Site

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
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  • Posted on Author
    How can I improve it
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Improve the text's contrast (light colors on black is hard to read)

    Don't use Flash animation (web spiders won't see the text).

    Improve the copy: it's not immediately clear who you're targeting or what you can do for your readers.

    The initial stuffed keywords page is confusing.

    Consistent menu structure needed throughout

    Contact information needed throughout
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    I don't like the first page load with all of the words that then becomes the flash. I know you are trying to get keyword recognition, but for a regular user they may think the site has a problem and try to refresh and then they can't get it again. This makes the user feel left our.

    The home page (the second one) simpleflas.html is not to motovating to get me to move forward. I think the trying to keep it simple in this case made it more confusing. I guess I am a fan of traditional navigation. Even though your links are different colors I feel like I might need to read all the text and an that may make me go away. With a more traditional navigation system I know I can jump right in and not read all the text if I do not want to.

    I too am not a big fan of flash sites. For one you loose most mobile web browsers. They also don't get crawled by search engines well (perahps the reason for the quick text page).

    I would re-think the rainbow text on the From the start page as it is very distracting once one has started reading for the text to change and then change again later. It actually causes me to stop reading.

    Jay is right about having contact info on every page. You want people to be able to get a hold of you easily.

    I would lose the Client FTP link and give clients a special subdomain ( to upload files or add a "For clients" link to your menu. For the first time user they might be confused about why it is on every page.

    I am sorry that this sounds pretty critical. I hope the information is helpful.

  • Posted on Accepted
    I actually like the opening flash, but when you get to the third slide, I would improve the contrast so it would be more legible.

    You might want to mention "advertising" and "promotions" on the first page. There are, after all, what you're potential customers are looking for. It's hard to rank for a term you don't even mention.
  • Posted on Author
    thanks. Really useful comments.
  • Posted by babbsela on Accepted
    I agree that the grey on black is hard to read, and that the use of a Flash intro is going to hurt your search engine rankings. It's also hard to determine who you are targeting, and what you have to offer. Putting all your text into your Flash, although it looks pretty cool, especially when it rainbows through, is going to hurt you, too.

    The "Our Team" page is a good place to let your people shine. You've wasted that space by telling me their superficial likes, dislikes, etc., and nothing about why they are so great at what they do.
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    I have to agree about the flash - it takes you out of good SEO. Also, the dark gray is hard for me to read on my moniter. The overall idea is neat, with the words sticking out, but on the opener, you can't even read your company name.

    I don't have trouble with the personality thing for your staff, I think that's a neat addition and can create a level of comfort because they are "real people" - but I definitely think you should put stuff in there about their qualifications.

    Also agree with the contact information - if not on every page, at least on your intro.

    Here's the biggest issue I have with your site. Your work is good. Your creative is very ... creative. Solid. Your website does not speak to this. It doesn't really say anything about your company except show personality, and even then, that is muted by the darkness of it all. Your website almost looks ... amateurish compared to your print work. ... it is just not as nice. The dreary gray makes the items stand out when you mouseover, but it feels very ... rainy and cloudy and emotionally, your site brings me down. I think it needs to get out from under the clouds a little. .... hope this makes sense.

    Good concept, and with some simple content adjustments and color adjustment, I think you can totally make it work.

    Best Wishes,

    Jennifer P.
    XPRT Creative

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