
Topic: Website Critique

Opinions On This New Site?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I wanted to point out an innovative site the LA Phil has produced in honoring the career of Music Director Esa-Pekka Salonen. You can check it out at It showcases a unique interactive timeline spanning the length of Salonen’s career. It also incorporates a feature-rich multimedia library with a wealth of fully-integrated audio, video, photos and more. Finally, check out the tributes section, which features user comments updated in real time.
Could anyone give me feeback on this site? I'd really appreciate it.
- Tom with the LA Phil
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  • Posted by Callan on Accepted
    The time-line design & its operation is excellent - integration of media is particularly good.
    Overall, the site is interesting & sufficiently engaging to get a visitor to explore the site.
    However, as is often the case with Flash, the HP was slow to load - the "Media" section very slow.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The speed of the script is painfully slow - both to load and to use. People are unlikely to wait around to play with the timeline.
  • Posted on Accepted
    The site looks very nice. I agree that it takes a while to load. Especially if I were on my network computer at work. I would have the IT people calling me asking me what the heck I was doing. Of course my answer is always "research." Good luck hope you can figure out a way to keep the features and speed it up a bit.
  • Posted by babbsela on Accepted
    I has a good look, but it does load painfully slow. I have a knee-jerk reaction to all-Flash sites. They rank horribly on the search engines, and cut out a huge segment of your potential audience, especially people with disabilities.
  • Posted on Accepted
    That was a painfully slow load especially considering I am at work on a high speed connection.

    I would cut out the noises that accompany button clicks - they are a bit annoying.

    Other than that the site is nice any shiny.

    I noticed that on the about popup you can scroll down a one line- however scrolling just cuts the first line off and doesn't show you anything else so you may want to consider taking it out..
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    Well, not to beat a dead horse here, but it is slow. HOWEVER, considering your audience and what I'm guessing is the potential purpose for this site; I think you nailed it. I'm guessing the Search Engine Ranking is not as important, more the tribute, and I think in this case, the Philharmonic audience and others who are interested will wait for the loads.

    And this is one heck of a tribute. What a great idea. Maybe someday my kids will make ME a site like this. LOL! Riiiiight.

    Jennifer P.
    XPRT Creative
  • Posted by DougM on Accepted
    The only downside was again the speed. The site is captivating and made me want to explore more.

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