
Topic: Advertising/PR

Connecting An Artist And A Beer Company

Posted by Anonymous on 300 Points
A befriended artist asked me to help him with an object that he created. He has made an aid for carrying beer cases. He asked me to market it to the beer company.
This is not something for mass production. It is an object that can be used for a commercial. It is funny and meant to be funny and would fit within the company's current strategy (I think).
Now, what would be the best way to approach this beer company. They distribute nationally and have an advertisment agency. Should I first call the company or the advertisement agency? What should be my pitch? Or should I keep my opening sentence simple like: "I am representing an artist who created something that might be of interest to you."? Or is that just to borring and does not stand out?
We have ideas on how it can fit in a commercial. Should we present a storyboard?
Thanks in advance for your ideas.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    I like Andrew's idea! However...

    First you might want to have a conversation with an intellectual property attorney about protecting the idea. Your artist friend can be brilliantly creative, but there's always the risk that the brew corporation or the ad agency will snatch the idea, knowing they've got a limitless litigation budget and your side doesn't.

    I hate being so pessimistic! It's the American way now, I'm afraid.

    - Shelley
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    Shelley's right. As an artist I've learned the hard way that protecting your intellectual property is very important. Also there is an old saying that goes "There is nothing worse than a good idea expecially when it's the only idea you have".

    In idea generation it is important to come up with more than one solution for the problem. Like in marketing test it, test it, test it! Try some suttle variations to see if they could make your idea work better. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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