
Topic: Advertising/PR

I Am Starting A Pr/ Marketing Firm

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I am starting a new marketing firm and have a few questions, The name I was thinking of is Marketing 2theMaxx, or marketing with power. I am looking for a simple marketing contract between my self and my clients. I am also wondering to sell my self for hourly, block of time or retainer. Any advice you have would be helpful.

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    When I first began my business I billed by the hour. The first time someone complained and compared me to an attorney, I changed my billing system!

    I've billed by the month and the project, and the latter is much more manageable, especially if you're a sole proprietor. It's important to detail your client activities and billing by the month could take the time of an entire account on its own. They key to success for whatever format you choose is to keep a running log of activity each day so you're not hustling to remember tasks at the end of a month, quarter, etc.

    As far as the business name, I agree with Phil, except that I kind of liked Marketing 2theMaxx. With that, however, you will lose potential client interest of anyone older than 25. Marketing with Power appeals to a broader audience.

    Good luck, be professional and have fun!

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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Look, khenson, I agree with Phil about the name Marketing 2theMaxx being rather skewed twoards Gen Y target prospects - and you need togo into that with your eyes wide open.

    I think the name could work for other prospects if coupled to strong graphics and maybe if you are going for a bit of a grungy value proposition - high value, fast service, slightly unusual media mixes, and never mind the attention to detail or enduring quality of the job... Marketing 2theMaxx (why not 2daMaxx?) would be about cheap, quick results and fast payback, and the client might have to suffer the collateral brand damage if any is caused.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Look, khenson, I agree with Phil about the name Marketing 2theMaxx being rather skewed towards Gen Y target prospects - and you need to go into that with your eyes wide open.

    I think the name could work for other prospects if coupled to strong graphics and maybe if you are going for a bit of a grungy value proposition - high value, fast service, slightly unusual media mixes, and never mind the attention to detail or enduring quality of the job... Marketing 2theMaxx (why not 2daMaxx?) would be about cheap, quick results and fast payback, and the client might have to suffer the collateral brand damage if any is caused.

    That kind of work means payment in full upfront or close to it - so forget about retainers.

    OTOH Marketing With Power could have a far higher quality image, with a view to strategic partnerships and long-term contribution to brand growth and equity. That's the kind of relationship built on a value-based project fee with a twelve month retainer slipped in, plus additional project fees along the way.

    Your call.

    Hope that helps.


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