
Topic: Website Critique

Making A Difference, One Fruitcake At A Time

Posted by babbsela on 25 Points
I created a website which I hope comes across as understated sarcasm, tongue-in-cheek, or possibly whimsey. Not belly laughs, just a chuckle or two. It's just for fun, for the holidays. I added a banner for one of my clients so she can benefit from a click or two.

The site is - The Great Fruitcake Recycling Project.

What I'd like to know:

1. Is there something you would change or add to make it more fun? Am I missing some piece of something that will make people want to pass the link along to a friend?

2. How would you get the word out fast, since it has a short window of appeal (until next year)?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If you can, stage a photo op (or video) of a bunch of fruitcakes at your PO box being picked up, and gently recycled/regifted. Put the video on YouTube.

    Also, a press release to local media with your funny video/website might be just the thing for a holiday chuckle.
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    I would try to put together some funny video for You-Tube. Something clever with fruit cakes. This could get you a lot of traffic quickly.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I would redesign the landing page. Right now it looks rather generic--not as funny as it could/should be. A cheesy photo of a fruitcake would be great. I'd also break out the fun facts on the landing page into bullets--it would make it a lot easier for a casual clicker to capture the humor involved at a glance.

    And I have to echo the news release idea. It would probably also improve your search engine rankings.
  • Posted by MarketGoGo on Accepted
    I enjoyed your site, and I will blog about it later today or tomorrow.

    Could you add a way for people to submit Fruit Cake jokes, content, or applications? For instance, maybe someone out there has a Fruit Cake flash game that they would like to "donate to the cause". That will help with your viral-ness (sp?), as more people contribute and more spread the word. Kind of a "YouTube" for "all things funny about Fruit Cake".

    Hope that helps!
    Dave J.
  • Posted by babbsela on Author
    Thanks for the advice so far. I'll work on a video for youtube, and add a forum for interactivity. I'll send out the press release when the video is online.

    I made a couple of changes to the home page, adding some bullet-point "facts" to the top of the page, and a photo of fruitcake. Still looking for a better image, but this is a start.

    More thoughts?
  • Posted by babbsela on Author
    I just realized that I selected the wrong number of points for this question. Now that I've implemented some of the suggestions posted here, I'm going to post an update question, with more points.

    Thanks for your help!

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