
Topic: Website Critique

Fruitcake Recycling Website Update

Posted by babbsela on 350 Points
I posted this question a couple of days ago, and selected the wrong (too few) number of points, which probably limited the responses I was going to get. To be fair, I thought I'd post an update to my question, so more people can participate.

Original question:
I created a website which I hope comes across as understated sarcasm, tongue-in-cheek, or possibly whimsey. Not belly laughs, just a chuckle or two. It's just for fun, for the holidays. I added a banner for one of my clients so she can benefit from a click or two.

The site is - The Great Fruitcake Recycling Project.

What I'd like to know:

1. Is there something you would change or add to make it more fun? Am I missing some piece of something that will make people want to pass the link along to a friend?

2. How would you get the word out fast, since it has a short window of appeal (until next year)?

It was suggested that I add bullet-points to the home page, which I did, and I also took the advice to add a forum so people can participate. I'm working on a youtube video and a press release. What else do you suggest?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    A counter to indicate # of fruitcakes recycled.
    Images that illustrate your bullet points.
    Add game for shooting/recycling fruitcakes.
    A photo contest (oldest, best carving, biggest, etc.)?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I give up. I took a quick look and I can't figure out what to do or what your objective is. Do I really have to read all that copy? What's in it for me to stay on the site?

    Remember the key point of The Big Red Fez, by Seth Godin? It's that you have to make the call to action very clear and obvious.

    Your site may be clever, but I doubt that most folks will stick around to figure that out. The wit is buried in a sea of gray text. The web is a visual medium, not well suited for a lengthy essay -- regardless of the humor.
  • Posted by babbsela on Author
    The site is pointless, and just for fun. I didn't really make a big call to action because the site is just a diversion. I'll think about whether I should make the call to action "Recycle Your Fruitcake" more evident.

    I will put more images on the pages, so people can scan what they want to, more quickly.
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted

    It's looking good. I like the addition of the videos on some of the drilldown pages. Perhaps some video on the front page might be good.

    I do think the front page might be a little text heavy and might scare some people off.

    Perhaps you could add a way for people to send a virtual fruitcake. This is even more "green" then sending an acutal fruitcake. This could also plug the site a little as people may visit to send a virtual fruit cake after they receive one. Maybe even a singing fruit cake. Who wouldn't want a singing fruit cake.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    While the site is fun, the fact it is pointless means it has limited appeal.

    If you would collect fruitcakes to distribute to the needy, for example, maybe there would be a point.

    Otherwise it is just frivolity. Ha ha, move on.

    BTW - personally - I love a good fruitcake!

  • Posted by babbsela on Author
    ASVP/ChrisB: Haven't the needy suffered enough? :)

    Actually, we checked with our attorney, and collecting up fruitcake that could potentially be tampered with before they got to us, would open us up to huge liability if we wanted to redistribute them.

    Mikee: I'll have a Virtual Fruitcake (fruitcake ecard) system set up by the end of the day.

    All: I've added some games to the site, and moved some of the content off the home page.

    Is it getting more fun?
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I would consider a press release done via AP and a few local newspapers. Further, this site is ripe for being the subject of a "drive time" radio interview.

    I would select a few mid-sized markets and begin pitching it via the email link on the hosts radio program.
    To get you started, I would suggest Van & Bonnie on WHO Radio in Des Moines... here's their info
    Call us during the show at 515-284-1040 or toll free 800-469-4295.
    Email us at
  • Posted by babbsela on Author
    Thanks Frank!

    The press releases are out. I hit newspapers, radio, tv, and popular sites such as, etc.

    This has been a very enjoyable project. I hope some people find it fun.
  • Posted by babbsela on Author
    Thanks everyone for your help.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    I wish that I’d seen this sooner. It made me all nostalgic for my venture, an antidote to Interflora’s “Say it with flowers” tag-line. was a site for sending a message to people who you really don’t like. From a dead wasp stuck to some art card for ten guineas through to a whole live wasps nest, attached to a brick and delivered through the front window of the house, by a mobster of your choice for someone you really hate. Cost 10000 guineas.

    I ran out of time to innovate, but it sure amused a whole load of people 8 years ago and produced incandescent condemnation from stuffy gits who refused to see the joke.

    Best of luck with this and do go for the press / PR angle. If it’s bonkers enough they will print it.


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