
Topic: Website Critique

Please Critique -

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Please critique our generation 1, website, url:

Thank you.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I like the layout... the only thing missing is a call to action. I suggest you add a something to stear a person to buying your product.
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    What is the purpose of the website?

    Right know it appears to be an online brochure. Are you planning on allowing online ordering or something of that nature?

    Something strange is going on in the footer. I am using IE7 and the page is very long (scrollbars) when it does not need to be as there is no content in the bottom. I woulb make sure that the page is only as long as it needs to be.

    The nutrition information was a little difficult to read. You might want a little bit higher res image or better yet do not make it an image, but have it as text. I am assuming you have the file that the label was created in. This will make it easy to read and fast to load. Since it is text it will then become something that search engines can get a hold of.

    I did not understand why I had to click on shipment specs twice to get any information. The first click should get me to the info.

    Overall your layout seems to work and the design compliments your product.

    I hope this helps,
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for this excellent feedback. I will re-test the site with IE7, revisit the Nutritional data presentation and evaluate the link to the ship specifications. The first generation of this website is 'brochureware,' and generation two (in design) will be far more image and video centric and is intended to focus heavily on customer "use cases." I will fix the mechanics in gen one and work to hone the message for gen two. Thank you for this feedback.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Add analytics (such as Google Analytics) to measure traffic.
    Using Firefox 3.0.4, there's a big orange space below your footer.

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