
Topic: Customer Behavior

How To Create A Successful B2b Customer Loyalty Scheme

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have a strong 60% plus market share, and a diverse B2B market to accomodate. Customer loyalty is currently high, however I need to find a way to generate more information about the customer base. Any advise, and references to who I should contact to run the scheme?
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    your sales team should be your best resource for finding out more about your clients. If sales people are not being relational, going deeper, paying more attention to the clients environment (if business meetings are held at the clients location) then you're not taking advantage of the opportunity to know more about your client.

    I've been in sales for over eight years and I always go deeper in the relationship with all of my clients right up front. As a matter of fact in my first meeting with my clients I share with them in a non-threatening way how important it is for them to see the advantages of a long term relationship and why a lot of my current customers look to me to have this type of experience.

    Your Customer Service department can also be informational gatherers if trained properly to do it over the phone. jcrooks recommends a great book and if you have read it dust it off and read it again. And if you have not get your copy by clicking here

    If you get a moment click my name, read my profile and if you need further consultation send me an email.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    There appears to be a bug. Go here and put in "Swim with The Sharks" in the Search box. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks.

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