
Topic: Advertising/PR

Good Advertisement

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
what is a good advertisement ?what are the characteristics of a good and a bad advertisement ?
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    good advertisement is one that effectively transfers the brands purpose while successfully educating your target market on the benefits of the product and winning you both sales and loyal Raving Fans. Bad advertisement does the opposite. Is there anything I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted

    Deremiah gave you a good answer.

    entering" effective advertising" in the search box at above right will get you this link:

    also, try "search questions" under Participate.

    good luck

  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted
    It is the same like other thinks in the live. If you do something to achieve some objective and you success, then your efforts and investments are in the correct way.

    In the advertising, your objective is to communicate something to an specific group of people and obtain something (action, sell, information, advice, incentive, image, ...). Then if you obtain what you have in mind, your advertising is good.

    Juan Carlos
  • Posted on Accepted
    Good advertising creates a desired response in the target audience.

    Good advertising can sell, inform, or persuade. It can build relationships and win hearts and minds. It is the first impression made upon the audience -- and the one that will stick the longest if done right.

    Bad advertising, as Deremiah says, does the opposite. Think of an ad as your sales representative to the world. If that sales rep dresses poorly, speaks in a mumble, is arrogant and rude, doesn't understand the target audience's needs and how to approach them, they will NEVER make a sale.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    Doug I

    great examples. share some more of these.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi Prantik

    let me share an experience,

    Last week, i came across an Indian Bengali magazine named Shanonda. On the inside cover page there was an advertisement for jewellery shop/product. The headline of ad was

    "Everything has to be First Class, from Groom to Engagement Ring".

    The ad was from a boy's words and went on saying that the headline statement was that of a girl who was very much feminist and The boy who liked her a lot(had a cruch on her) could not muster the courage to propose her. then he breathed a sigh of relief as he didnt have to ask her as this feminist girl herself asked him if he would marry her. Then the boy replied that under one condition he would do that,

    "Everything has to be First Class, from BRIDE to
    Engagement Ring".

    Interestingly i forgot and have not been able to remember since the brand of this good advertisement. I am sure its not of Nakshatra brand. I vague remember the brand name was at the lower portion of the page, but i can not pinpointedly visualize where the brand name exactly was. Interestingly i remember the other layout of the ad. More interestingly after reading your question i tried to remember and here i am writing this reply.


    P.S. I will buy the magazine today at least to see the brand name ;-)

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