
Topic: Website Critique

Is My Website Going To Attract High End Buyers?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I would like to know what do I have to do to my website to bring it to a more high end boutique. What format should I consider for our new site: html, php or flash? What price range is a considered high end? Will including a forum or customer ratings help to drive traffic to my site? Will a black background fair better than a white background? How to I get away from the craft sector?
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  • Posted by babbsela on Member
    What are you selling? The answer will quide us in giving you more helpful responses.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    As others have suggested, we need more information in order to be able to respond properly to your question(s).

    In general, you don't usually attract more people to your website by changing the site itself. You do it by promoting your site in the places your target audience is visiting. If they're searching for certain keywords, then you buy Adwords for those keywords.

    To the extent that you do want to work on organic search optimization, it's not a short-term fix, and it's not usually a straightforward fix. It's a series of A/B tests that optimizes keywords, landing pages, copy and a dozen other things (e.g., graphics, colors, offer, etc.), and then does it again and again. It's a process, not a goal.

    You might want to get a copy of Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords, by Perry Marshall and Bryan Todd. It goes through the process very clearly (albeit in the context of Google Adwords, of course).
  • Posted on Author
    Very sorry, should have told you we sell handbags, jewelry and natural skin care/bath products. But I think it would be better help if you viewed the website t: By "craft sector " I meant the do-it-yourself crowd that seems to think becuase they took a sewing class they can sell as a designer.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Don't worry about the technology (initially). Focus on the experience of someone visiting your website.

    Your home page should have photos of representative products. You don't want people to click to find them.

    When someone clicks on a product, also allow them to see the product in detail (large size photo). Provide information such as: size, material, country of origin, and perhaps a rating (dressiness-level). I want to see words that convey the feeling I would get having/wearing your products.

    When I click on one of your handbags (Gwen, for example), the butterflies are getting stuck on "undefined". That doesn't convey a strong feeling.

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