
Topic: Advertising/PR

What Can Advertising Do To Improve Computer Sales?

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
A brand of computer we are handling had its maiden year last year. Its objective was to generate brand awareness. Towards the 2nd semester, we needed to bring in the sales. But it was sluggish vs. its competitor. The competitor was able to afford to lower its price. Our brand had to protect its margins. Specs for all players are at parity. But our distribution is not extensive. For 2009, our objective is to generate sales and our medium is through activation. Before we generate ideas, what must we do and what schemes can we use to help achieve the objective? Help! Thank you.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    First of all, if you want to know how to "advertise," then just spend a bunch of money in computer magazines, websites, and anyone else who will take your money.

    However, what you really need to know how to do is market your computer! That means you need to put together a strategy that includes analyzing who your customers are and how to reach them best with a message in a language they will understand that you satisfy their needs better than the competition. By understanding their needs, you will be able to utilize your core competencies to satisfy those need and form unique selling points. You can formulate a product strategy to bring out the products that satisfy those needs better.

    Please review Porter's Generic Strategies here:

    Your competitor is using the Cost Leadership strategy. They can go after the broad market segment. You, however, don't have a cost leadership position so you cannot go after the broad market successfully. You said that "specs for all players are at parity." However, your prices are higher. If this is the case, you have to target customers who don't get much information - which, in today's world, isn't a very big place. Given your distribution is not extensive, you have to limit your scope. Use a differentiation strategy. Offer something unique to a small segment and dominate that segment. Since the offering is unique, you can charge a higher price and customers will pay it because they receive more value.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Since your product isn't better than the competition nor cheaper, what else distinguishes your product from theirs? Do you (or can you) offer: extended repair at no extra charge, great bundled software, lifetime of free phone support, or a guaranteed buy-back program for the computer for upgrades?

    As Wayde suggests, consider targeting a niche that could really benefit from your product (ideally that your competitor isn't targeting).
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    If you filled out your profile completely I would have looked at the computer myself. If you're trying to build name recognition....honestly, I think that's how people buy computers need to mention it everywhere.

    Is it a business computer? A gamer computer? You need to decide that first. There are several Affiliate marketing companies that could help you generate sales.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you very much to those who have responded. Am very grateful.

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