
Topic: Advertising/PR

Marketing To...wait For It - Parking Developes

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi all,

I work in media and communications for an architecture firm, and we're about to expand our biz into the US - first venture, designing parking structures in the Los Angeles region.

Now, I know there HAS to be something sexy about this topic. Just wondering if anyone has any B2B marketing ideas related to the design and construction of parking structures. Our audience will mostly be industry folks that we'd look to establish partnerships (joint ventures) with.

My first mandate - developing a 'cheeky' direct mail piece. Thoughts?
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  • Posted by Bill Schick on Member
    Yes, I suggest something 3 dimensional, personalized, with a personalized web site (PURL) for them to interact with.
  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    "Cheeky," clever, imaginative, and creative - employ any and all of these, but if you ignore the basic needs of the target customers, people will pay attention, you'll get great recognition and no one will take the action required by your client. Get back to basics. What is it the customers need? Related your campaign (creative and all) to their needs. Your goal is (or should be) for the customers to take the action that profits the client, not just to get attention.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If you haven't already, do your due diligence on your LA competitors. What services are they offering? What will make your offering better/different? How can you prove that your solutions are cost-efficient, good-looking, zoned/constructed to code, etc.?

    Cheeky is fine if you have all your other bases covered. Make sure you can show why your cheeky attitude is well-earned.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all of your feedback folks! It is much appreciated and came in very helpful during my strategy meeting this morning.

  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member
    Personally, I think that it is very important to understand the difference between, 'marketing' and 'sales'.

    What you need is just to get out and sell.

    Hire a 'Business Development Manager. Someone already familiar with the local architectural and shopping mall/parking structure development industry.

    Someone who knows every one in the business and can open a lot of doors for you.

    Set meetings with all the architects and developers so that you can sell to them your technological or design advantage - (I assume that you have one otherwise why bother :)) ) .

    Attend as many industry get togethers as yiu can, join the clubs and associations and basically work your network. THis is not really marketing, this is selling.

    Don't waste time and money with 'Cheeky' brochures and mail outs. Just get on the phones and start calling and setting appointments to get out and present what you have to offer.

    Get emails out to all the designers, developers, architects, city planners etc. make sure they know your name and understand who you are and what you want to offer.

    Then make some deals :))

    maybe we should open another site like this one called 'Bizdev Profs' What do you think folks? :))

    Be specific, understand the difference between selling and marketing and use the right one at the right time.

    Good luck.


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