
Topic: Website Critique

Ecommerce Website Critic / Review

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi, I am hoping you can help me out with our website [inactive link removed], we are receiving a fair amount of hits but we are not converting them into sales. stats show a lot of items are being added to the basket but only a small amount go past the basket page. Now this may be down to natural reasons such as pricing or delivery fees, but im pretty sure that this is not the case on the whole.

Any feedback on the site or identification of bottlenecks are greatly appreciated.

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I had an issue which i believe is probably typical of many buyers. I went to your site and shopped for a Garmon 300 Oregon. It was on the initial page the first time. I left your site to compare prices and a whole new batch of products had loaded. it took me several minutes to refind your product offering. You were very competitive, but if I were a buyer, I may have surfed off into the sunset.
  • Posted by babbsela on Accepted
    If you suspect it's because of pricing or delivery fees, make sure they can find that information up front. You can add a "estimate shipping" module to calculate UPS fees (or whatever method you use).

    I also recommend you create a page that describes your shipping costs and delivery areas, and link to it from your home page.

    Once a product is added to the basket, your viewcart page says: "Our standard delivery is three working days and is currently for mainland UK only." and "Please note we ONLY ship to Mainland addresses in the United Kingdom with our standard 3 - 5 day delivery." You're creating friction in the process, because some people will get the impression they are outside your delivery area, and the rest don't know what your shipping options are. To me, it looks like Standard 3-5 day delivery is the only shipping option, but I'm not sure.

    Create friction, or uncertainty in the shopping experience, and people will abandon the cart and go elsewhere. I've done that - I've added items to the shopping cart on some sites just to find out what the shipping costs were, and when I didn't like them, went elsewhere. I suspect that's one of the things that's happening to you.

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