
Topic: Advertising/PR

Publicity Expertise

Posted by joshuacrumbaugh on 500 Points
I am launching a company called 365 Cubed, Inc. and need assistance in publicity. Here is a little more information about the company.

Company Overview: is social experiment based on one simple question: Can 365 people work cooperatively for 365 days to make 365 million dollars or $1 million a piece?

365 Cubed is built around the concept that there is power in unity, and that anything can be accomplished with the right level of teamwork.
Synergy is the highest activity of life; it creates new untapped alternatives; it values and exploits the mental, emotional, and psychological differences between people.
Stephen Covey
How it Works:
First you must fully understand the concept driving 365 cubed and there is a lot to it, but I’ll try to be brief. The 365 will begin working on specific parts of the project prior to beginning the 365 days. They will cooperatively decide on a business plan through participant submissions (not required) and voting. Once it’s narrowed down to the top 5, we begin to analyze each plan’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats through three major channels
• Operational Limitations
• Capital Requirements
• Number of profit vehicles and the strength of each
All of this will be done online with the 365 cubed groupware, and each of the items above will be reviewed by all group members and ratings will be attached. The plan with the highest rating is the one we launch. We will aggressively go after any and all profit vehicles to maximize potential for success.
The group will be assembled with members from nearly all business categories, without industry limitations. They will work from a location of their choosing, which is why all participants need have a good computer, high speed internet and webcam. Twenty-five participants will be chosen for the task of group leader, and the rest will be assigned to groups by task, and will remain with the group for the entirety of the experiment. Breaking the mass into groups will provide better overall communication, and give us the ability to have individual focus, while the group, as a whole, moves in multiple directions.
The strength behind the group, and the potential success lies not only in teamwork, but also the unique skill sets each person brings to the table. Among the group you’ll find manufacturers reps, publicists, writers, lawyers, finance experts, engineers, sales professionals, marketing experts, graphic designers, operational experts, risk analysts, and many more. It is this unique quality that sets us aside from others, and gives this project a greater chance for success than most VC funded startups.

Show me the money!
Next, we get to the most important section of this summary. How and when do members get paid? Once the experiment has become self sufficient, and contains ample reserves, quarterly payments will be made to all group members. However, the majority will be paid approximately 60 days after completion of the 365 days. The goal is for each member to earn $1,000,000, and prove that with teamwork anything is possible.
Many skeptics have said “That’s just too much money to earn in only 365 days.”
Reality is that there are many business and or products which can easily generate this kind of revenue; especially through B2B wholesale channels. The right product could be taken to every big box store in the country, sold direct to consumers through every major product site on the internet, as well as being sold on shopping networks such as HSN. The question is not whether or not this is possible (it most definitely is); the question is how do we as a team come up with the winning combination that will yield the greatest results?

Participants will all have an equal share (.27% or 1/365th) of the revenue generated during the 365 days. This includes myself, and it is a key part to the overall success. The participant who submits the selected business plan, will retain 10% ownership in the company after the 365 days. Founding members will retain a 1% ownership, and many more participants will be offered partnership positions inside the company.

About The Founder:
My name is Joshua D. Crumbaugh. I am an entrepreneur, and am currently the director of marketing for one of the fastest growing mortgage lenders in the country. While our competition has taken huge hits, I have led our company into gains of nearly 1000% in 2008. I understand what needs done to increase business, and have the skill set to make it happen. I'm not only an entrepreneur, but an opportunist; and building a business around this model provides better insight into the potential problems, profit vehicles, opportunities, operational issues, logistics, engineering, legal, publicity, marketing and much more. An employee won't necessarily tell me when I'm wrong, but a partner will. I may not have the best business plan, but put a few 100 of them on the table with huge added benefits to the person whose business plan is selected, and now you'll find something with true ingenious potential.
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    This again?

    Look, I'll be brief and blunt.

    You are not going to build any company into a a $365 million (sales) company in one year from zero. Never. Ever.

    And even if you did, you're confusing revenue with profit. You need $365 million in PROFIT -- after taxes -- to give $1 million to 365 people. So, call it $600 million in pre-tax matter what you're selling, you're really talking about a BILLION-dollar organization.

    Also, you're neglecting to realize that super high growth companies do not throw off much cash as they are funding balance sheet growth along the way.

    In addition, you keep talking about splitting up the earnings (you say revenue, but you mean earnings) equally among the 365 what's the point of being an equity holder if there are no earnings left? You could own 1% of the business or 100%, you're still not getting anything -- unless you're talking about the company having some value, which then means you're talking about booting the 365 people from their economic slice.

    In your last post, you also had a whole laundry list of titles and job positions, etc., but you still don't even know what the business is.

    I don't want to burst your bubble, but I think someone has to...this all just sounds like someone playing "office" to me.

    You're trying to find people first, then come up with an idea. It's done the other way around.

    I know you want to say that this is "different," but being different for different's sake...that's meaningless.
  • Posted by joshuacrumbaugh on Author
    I understand the obstacles that I am up against and I also understand the investment side of things and you're right investors won't make anything off the first 365 days and this obviously isn't an issue to them since I have more investors lined up than I have people on board.

    Also, this isn't being different for the sake of being different. This has been and will remain a social experiment proving the power of synergy.

    Next, 365 million or even 600 million is not a large number for the right business and it is because of this that there isn't a BP in place and there won't be until the group is assembled. We currently have 4 plans that easily have that type of potential. It is simply about finding the best plan and running with it.

    I opened a business in 2004 wholesaling fashion plumbing. We started with a $6000 credit card and 8 months later had a $300 million contract on the table with a big box retailer and had gained exclusive distribution rights for the US with the second largest glassware manufacturer in the world. This was done with only two partners and $40k in total investing. It shouldn't be difficult for 365 people with up to 10 million in funding to pull this off.

  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    As you wish.

    I still have you on my calendar to look up on February 12, 2010. Seriously.

    Contrary to what you may think, I wish you the best.
  • Posted by joshuacrumbaugh on Author
    We will just be getting started on February 12th, 2010. The official launch date is scheduled for January 4th, 2010.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    You asked how to start getting publicity, and I will answer the question.
    1) You should begin monitoring Peter Shankman's help a reporter out there will be good opportunities for a person like you to speak to America via radio and other media.
    2) You need to beef up your website - i know there are few details but it needs some supporting information
    3) you need to project your own status a bit more. Internet searches for you do not return quality information.

    As you prepare you message, you need to be propared to vigorously defend your theory. The folks here might be blunt - but the media will be evil and mean - especially if they suspect any of your claims of being a highly successful businessman are shaky.

    Hope this helps - good luck
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    How about a series of short (1-3 minute) videos that answer the common questions will have about who you are, is this for real, etc.?

    Publicity for publicity's sake isn't truly useful to you. Are you looking to attract some of the 365 through publicity? Are you looking for investors? Or a simple mention of a "social experiment in the making"?

    If you're asking people to follow you, then you need to show why you're worth following. More details about the experiment, the realities/risks/rewards, the specific skill sets you're looking for, and lots of case studies (of either companies you've done magic on or which are relevant to your goals).
  • Posted by joshuacrumbaugh on Author
    Currently I'm looking to attract some of the 365 and get mentioned, but not search for investors.

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